
NEW DELHI, INDIA, April 22, 2003: At a recent India Financial Summit organized by India Times, one presentation stood out for its simplicity and spontaneity. Times Group Chairman Indu Jain delivered an impromptu talk about her concept of wealth creation, which was warmly received by the audience. Ms Jain urged the delegates not to ignore their true wealth — their internal resources. “At the World Economic Forum, they cover a large meaning of wealth. Some time ago, the WEF asked me to suggest two-three saints who could enlighten them on the subject. Since then Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has been invited there thrice consecutively. Similarly, my humble request to all of you is that at functions like these, you should also call other people who can expound upon other wealths. Money, wealth are outer resources, but these can be used well only when inner resources are strong, and forums like these should also focus on strengthening inner resources,” said Mrs. Jain.