
SAN FRANCISCO, USA, April 13, 2003: According to the Bay Area Yoga Guide, there are more than 70 yoga studios in the nine counties around the San Francisco Bay, and most have opened since 1999. Yoga practitioners say that in the uncertain aftermath of the tech crash and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, many unemployed dotcomers and jittery urbanites are simply seeking ways to lead a quieter and more fulfilling life. “Yoga is a way to cope with life and situations that are threatening your health and mental peace,” said Hari Hara Nanda Das, a teacher at the Yoga Society of San Francisco. From a real estate perspective, opening a yoga studio is a cheap proposition, especially with today’s drastically lower rents. There’s almost no overhead — all you really need is a flat surface and someone to teach and lead the practice. It’s the reason many mainstream fitness clubs such as World Gym, Gold’s Gym, Crunch and Club One, have added yoga classes to supplement their weights and machines.