
IOWA, U.S.A., May 17, 2003: If you are a Hindu living in Madrid, Iowa, you now have a Hindu temple to worship in. Located right beside the Des Moines River, the new temple will cost US$1.6 million when it is finished. The community at large has accepted the new house of worship as was evidenced when 300 nonmembers visited the temple’s open house last month and when two of Madrid’s Christian churches sent flowers and welcoming greetings. Jai Seecharran, a Hindu of the congregation says, “There is a lot of curiosity about Hinduism among other religions. We believe that a person has a freedom of practicing their religion.” Seecharran also added that the temple is open on weekends but as soon as they have a priest there will be regular temple hours. Suren Gupta, a consulting engineer and co-chair of the temple’s board says, “Even with their differences, Hindus have much in common with other faiths. You speak the truth, to help a human being in suffering and in need, to do the right thing, to follow your conscience….things you would have in common in most religions.”