
LONDON, ENGLAND, May 13, 2003: Love is in the air thanks to Portsmouth inventor Mike Gill and his inflatable church. The life-sized house of God has an altar, steeple, organ, and room for 100 guests. It’s available for weddings anywhere in the country. The world’s one and only inflatable church is here to allow couples to get married wherever their hearts desire. The air-filled building is 47 feet long by 25 feet wide and 47 feet high, complete with plastic “stained glass” windows, airbrush artwork which replicates a traditional church and can be assembled in 3 hours. The “walls” of what is really an odd-shaped ballon appear to be a couple of feet thick, which allows a substantial inside space. Current civil ceremonies can only be held in a church, registry office or specially licensed building, however, soon the law will be changed so the person conducting the ceremony will be licensed instead of the location. The “church” fits in a small trailer. The same company also rents out an inflatable pub.