
SOUTH AFRICA, June 24, 2003: South African President Thabo Mbeki has been invited to that country’s first Hindu convention later this year. Ashwin Trikamjee, president of the South African Hindu Maha Sabha, said the September convention would focus on the challenges facing Hindus in post-apartheid South Africa. “Our objective is unity among all Hindu organizations. We need to have a unified approach to meet the challenges that face Hindus, for example, the issue of conversions, with Hindus moving to Christianity,” he said. “Also the question of uniformity in different religious organizations and observance of religious festivals and ceremonies will be discussed.” Between 500 and 1,000 delegates are expected to attend. Among the topics which will be discussed are nurturing the Hindu religion, the need for Hindu representation at all levels of government and the roles and functions of Hindu priests in South Africa.