
PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS, June 25, 2003: The Hindu organizations of Mauritius are honoring Pujya Swami Purnanandji Maharaj for his 40 years of religious service to the county during a month-long celebration this June. His 75th birthday is being celebrated this month along with a whole series of activities. This program was initiated by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Sanatan Sarvodaye Sabha and Human Service Trust and other Hindu organizations. The leaders of the Hindu Maha Sabha (HMS), Mauritius Sanatan Dharma Temples Federation, Arya Sabha (Mauritius), Mauritius Marathi Mandali Federation and Ramayan Center came together to praise the man who they consider “an institution.” Hallooman Girdharee, of the HMS, says the swami is considered as one of the religious leaders having had the biggest influence in the life of the Hindus of Mauritius. He was a pioneer in the organization of processions “in the sanatanist way” by interpreting bhajanas and kirtans (pious songs) and by popularizing prayer sessions such as the Bhagwat Katha and by establishing traditional ashrams in the country. The celebration will culminate on June 29 at the prestigious Indira Gandhi Cultural Center in Phoenix. The cultural program this day will be by performers from Chandigarh, India. On this occasion, the organizers also plan to present Dharma Bhushan Awards to ten social workers of Mauritius. During the last 40 years, Swami Purnanandji Maharaj has founded the Shree Sanatan Sarvodaye Sabha de Triolet (1970); Sarvodaye Ashram de Triolet (1972); Shantiniketan Vidoushi Sabha de Terre-Rouge (1974); Shree Satyanarain Mandir de Terre-Rouge (1991); International Nature Cure Center de Grand-Baie (2000) and Somnath Mandir de Triolet (2002).