HANOVER, GERMANY, September 4, 2000: The Indian Pavilion at the Expo 2000 in Hanover drew record crowds and rave reviews from the German public. 11,000 to 12,000 German visitors toured the Indian Pavilion every day to view the splendor and richness of both ancient and modern India. From the invention of zero to high tech achievements to culture and art, the Pavilion showcased India’s knowledge and contributions. The theme of the India Pavilion, “Art of Living in Harmony,” highlighted the power of knowledge, cultivated over centuries, and its extensive use in all facets of life. Visitors were shown how India has used this knowledge successfully to provide mankind with alternative solutions for peaceful co-existence with nature, medicine, technology, culture, arts and more. The German visitors showed great interest in meditation, yoga demonstrations, ayurveda, and Vedic astrology, besides cultural programs and artistic demonstrations.