NEW DELHI, INDIA, February 14, 2001: Journalists from around the world were honored at the International Press Institute World Congress in January with the Dalai Lama’s presence. Charming the audience with his wit and humor, the revered religious leader of the Tibetan people gave his input on the Freedom of the Press. He alluded to the analogy of comparing journalists to elephants whereby they should sniff all around and investigate everything and everyone with sincere motivation. Encouraging the people of the press to practice nonviolence and compassion and to find peace in the midst of adversity, the 14th Tibetan Pontiff won the hearts of those in the audience. Many members of the press at the conference asked for clarification on the Dalai Lama’s view of conversion. Reiterating his original comments, the humble Tibetan leader expressed that it is better to keep the religion you are born into because it influences your thinking. If conversion is forced, the individual never becomes a sincere convert but, if after deep self-reflection and philosophical study, the person commits to the premises of their new faith, then conversion is true, he explained.