ZIMBABWE, AFRICA, February, 24, 2001: Whites were not the only race coming under attack in the racially-motivated parliamentary election campaign currently ravaging Zimbabwe. Asians, in particular, are being targeted, most notably through a hate-filled document sent to prominent businessmen in the community and believed to have originated from the offices of black economic empowerment organization, the Affirmative Action Group (AAG). The document, “Indigenization versus Indians” comes as a rude shock to many Asians who as second or third generation Zimbabweans considered themselves “indigenous.” The contents of the document state that this is not how the propagators of affirmative action in Zimbabwe view them. “Black people did not die for this country so that Indians could go on oppressing them,” states the document. The situation is the same as in many other countries where the Indian communities have lived, even for generations, but failed to establish good relationships with other communities. Indians came to be regarded, with some justification, as only looking out for themselves.