LONDON, ENGLAND, March 28, 2001: A study center here has launched a project that will record the impressions and experiences of Hindus in Britain, especially older generations. “The project, Life of Hindus in Britain will mark the beginning of an important process of documenting that which makes pluralistic United Kingdom a multi-ethnic and multi- cultural democracy,” Indian High Commissioner in Britain Nareshwar Dayal said at the launch at India House Tuesday. “The experiences of the people who came here to find a home away from their homes are an integral part of the achievements and aspirations, destiny and development of the contemporary British society,” Dayal said. The project aims to capture stories of first generation Hindus in Britain and record them for posterity. It involves interviewing leaders and elders from the Hindu Britons. A major portion of the project is being funded by a grant of US$120,000 from the heritage lottery fund.