DALLAS, USA, March 24, 2001: According to Hindu tradition, the saint Shri Dnyaneshwar — while still a child, in response to a challenge — made a buffalo recite the Vedas, proving that all creatures are united by the soul. Later he wrote Dnyaneshwari, a religious work still popular today. Maharashtrians here are staging a play on his life, “Om Namoji Aadhya,” written by Deepak Karanjikar of Dallas. Mr. Karanjikar said he decided to focus on the saint as he noticed similarities between the value systems prevalent in the late 13th and early 21st centuries. “During that time (1200 ce), the values of life had gone down. People were just fighting for their own lives, their own family,” Mr. Karanjikar said. “History is completing a cycle here.”