LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, April 27,2001: Nestled between the San Fernanda Valley and Malibu in the Santa Monica Mountains, lies a Hindu Temple where more than 3,000 people gather each weekend to worship. Originally built in 1984 and dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the site was chosen because the terrain is similar to the seven hills temple, Venkateswara Tirupati Temple, in India’s Eastern Ghat. New activity and an expansion project has brought 14 artisans from India to create a new temple on the same location in honor of Lord Siva. Built in the traditional South Indian style, the new temple’s construction is overseen by Indian temple designer, Muthiah Sthapathy. With careful consideration, the rules of vastu, the Indian art of placement, have been followed in the construction of both temples so that the energy stays uplifting. The Malibu Temple is a popular place of pilgrimage for East Indians travelling to the Los Angeles area.