ATLANTA, GEORGIA, April 30, 2001: While many parents across the nation are finding nonviolent and effective ways of disciplining their children, there are those who still believe in “Spare the rod, Spoil the child.” One such institution called the House of Prayer church in Atlanta has attracted the attention of police, social workers and the media when it was discovered that two young boys of their congregation displayed welts and wounds to their teachers at school. After investigation, ten members of the House of Prayer were charged with child abuse and 41 children were removed from these abusive homes and placed in foster care. By taking parenting classes and abiding by conditions laid out by the court, the parents could get their children back. Sadly enough, parents have refused to relinquish the teachings of the House of Prayer. The church pastor advocates a literal interpretation of Proverbs 23.13 which states, ” Withhold not correction from the child, for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.” As a result of this case, debate has been kindled as to when corporal punishment becomes child abuse and the rights of parents to beat their children.