NEW YORK, NEW YORK, April 11, 2001: Many office workers are inventive about recharging their batteries during their lunch hour. Andy Lerer, a cash analyst for a Manhattan publisher, delivers meals to house-bound AIDS patients. Merna Skinner, VP of a consulting firm, often turns off the lights, the computer and the cell phone in her office and lights several candles. Workplace stress is nothing new, but specialists say more people are affected than ever. The hectic pace of the Internet age and the rapidly changing economic climate has an increasingly stressful effect. Some people seek spiritual solace. Chuck Ughetta, secretary-treasurer of a securities firm, goes to mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Charlie Buck, president of an executive recruitment firm, favors a Hindu discipline, practicing hatha yoga once a week for 90 minutes: “It revs me up mentally and physically and gives me more energy than if I’d just had eight hours of sleep.” According to this article, even one US Supreme Court judge is a yoga fan.