TORONTO, CANADA, May 8, 2001: The bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada have warned the prime minister that, unless he gets involved, the church will be bankrupt by the end of the year because of a rash of lawsuits brought by victims of abuse at church-run residential schools for indigenous youth. In a letter to Prime Minister Jean Chretien, the bishops said that “those who were abused still wait for justice and the litigation is rapidly draining the resources of several of our dioceses and of our national body. We are perilously close to bankruptcy.” More than 7,000 people have brought legal action against the federal government and churches, which operated the schools. The Indian children at these Christian schools were beaten and abused in an attempt to rid them of their “Indianess.” On a recent edition of “60 Minutes” an Indian leader was asked how he felt about driving the Christian churches into bankruptcy. He replied, “They should have thought about that before they started beating the hell out of us.”