Source: Straits Times

SINGAPORE, June 3, 2001: The ancient Hindu science of yoga is catching on fast here, mostly as a means of improving health. Almost all the more popular fitness centers here, including Planet Fitness and California Fitness, offer variations of yoga and yoga-based classes. Hotel clubs, swimming clubs as well as community clubs also offer yoga classes. A number of neighborhood Sports & Fitness Centers have started Learn-to-Play Yoga classes. According to a People’s Association spokesman, there were 3,767 participants, mainly housewives and working women, in the community club courses last year, compared to 2,580 in 1999, an increase of 46 per cent. He attributes the rise to an increased health consciousness among the people. Men are also getting into the act. Some companies have even hired freelance yoga teachers to teach staff at the office itself. Some doctors are also recommending yoga to their patients to promote relaxation.