NEW DELHI, INDIA, February 19, 2001: Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine whose treatises date back to the first millennium, has been given a bad rap by a report from the British House of Lord Committee on Science and Technology last November, 2000. In their report, Ayurveda is grouped with other disciplines such as Chinese herbal medicine and naturopathy and classified according to this article as, “an alternative discipline that offer diagnosis as well as treatment but for which scientific evidence is almost completely lacking.” Needless to say, the secretary of the Indian government’s Department of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy, Shailaja Chandra, has responded by sending a letter of protest to Lord Walton who headed the British committee. Ayurveda’s popularity has grown in the U.K. and the West, and it is feared that if this report is published it could damage the good this form of medicine is doing. With extensive research and clinical trials having already been documented, Chandra is forwarding the results on ailments such as bone healing, menstrual disorders, and anxiety plus many others, back to the British committee. A delegation was also sent to London in March of 2001 to try to alter the views on Ayurveda.