NEW DELHI & TAMIL NADU, INDIA, June 23, 2001: They are calling it “the cause of the girl child.” Organizations such as the National Commission for Women, UNICEF and the Indian Medical Association, collaborating in their campaign against the gender bias, have invited religious leaders to participate in a national convention on Sunday, June 24th. Alarmingly, the latest census figures have shown a steady decrease in the female population in all the states of India. Averaging 927 female children per thousand male children in the zero- to six-year-old age group, some states fair even worse. Quoting the article, “Chandigarh has 773 females to 1000 males, Haryana 861, Punjab 874 and Uttar Pradesh 898.” Sanjiv Malik, secretary general of the IMA points out that the statistics clearly indicate that the girl child is being eliminated either before or after birth.