CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, July 9, 2001: A campaign launched by Chicago radio and TV talk-show host Tony Brown purports to “inform” the American public about Hinduism. Brown’s show aired on WLS 890 AM between 10 a.m. and 12 noon, on Saturday, June 30, and a similar television show aired 6 a.m. on Sunday, dedicating its time allotment to a bash of Hinduism. It was timed, perhaps coincidentally, when three major congregations of Indians – the JAINA, the TANA, and the “Vedanta in the Third Millennium” conventions were held in the Windy city. Brown promises more shows on the topic. Among other things, Brown said: “Nazism emanated from Hinduism; Hitler borrowed the Swastika symbol from the Hindu religion.” Untouchability, “widely practiced” in India, permits “five per cent of the three high castes to rule the rest of the one billion population.” “After the death of Mother Teresa, all Christian nuns in India were systematically persecuted.” Brown also chastised the US government “for allowing (Indians) to immigrate into the US.” Reports of this story will be appearing in the coming week, according to journalist Frank Parlato Jr., who is covering the story for various Indo-American publications, including the India Tribune and India West.