Hindu Speakers Bureau Offers Services

Source SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, October 15, 2020 (Hindu Speakers Bureau press release): In the West, often, the material prepared to teach Hinduism has not been created by practitioners of the religion and thus lacks the understanding that only comes from actually living the tradition. Your students and community deserve to hear directly from one of our Hindu speakers. Please pick…

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Gujarat State Not to Close Temples During Navaratri

Source GANDHINAGAR, INDIA, October 15, 2020 (Express News Service): Temples, which are a symbol of faith for millions of devotees, have not been closed in Gujarat, stated an official release from the Gujarat government on Wednesday. Considering the possibility of a multitude of devotees visiting temples in the state during the upcoming festival of Navratri and to check the spread…

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Ram Swarup at 100: The Greatest Hindu Thinker Since Sri Aurobindo

Source UNITED STATES, October 14, 2020 (Swarajyamag by Aravindan Neelakandan): Whether it is Dharmic Darshanas, global pagan revival, study of Western philosophies and theologies from Hindu perspective, study of language from Hindu framework or resistance to monopolistic ideologies — Ram Swarup has gifted every aspiring Hindu with vision, values and tools for his or her search. The globalized environment today…

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Daily Inspiration

Source You shine, all living things emerge. You disappear, they go to rest. Recognizing our innocence, O golden-haired Sun, arise; let each day be better than the last. — Rig Veda 10.37.9

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UK School Removes Workbook After Objections to Portrayal of Hinduism

Source LONDON, ENGLAND, October 7, 2020 (Tribune India): A school in England has apologized and removed a workbook from its website following protests from several parents and British Hindu organizations over a reference to terrorism within a section on Hinduism. Langley School in Solihull, in the West Midlands region of England, said on Wednesday that the document, “GCSE Religious Studies:…

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Will My Culture Survive the Pandemic?

Source CALIFORNIA, U.S., September 30, 2020 (India Currents by Srishti Prabha): Trying to create a space in the United States, Indian Americans rely heavily on the arts to remain connected to their roots. Instead of soccer practice and baseball lessons, the minivan drives kids to Kathak (Indian Classical Dance) class or tabla (Indian percussion/drums) lessons. What our parents understood, that…

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Malaysia’s Non-Catholic Churches, Hindu Temples Not Closing for Now

Source PETALING JAYA, MALAYSIA, October 6, 2020 (Free Malaysia Today): Non-Catholic churches and Hindu temples have no plans to close in view of the rising number of new Covid-19 cases after the Catholic Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur today suspended all masses in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. Malaysian Hindu Sangam president RS Mohan Shan told FMT that Hindu temples would remain…

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Best Street Contest Shines Light on Diwali

Source BLACKTOWN CITY, AUSTRALIA, October 7, 2020 (Mirage News): Homes and businesses across Blacktown City are about to be lit up. Nominations have now opened for this year’s Blacktown City’s Diwali Lights Competition. The ancient Hindu festival of Diwali celebrates the victory of light over darkness, with observers around the world lighting lamps and candles in and around homes and…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Austerity is the powerful bath of fire and bright rays of showering light that washes the soul clean of the dross of its many past lives, and of the current life, which have held it in the bondage of ignorance, misgiving, unforgivingness and the self-perpetuating ignorance of the truths of the Sanatana Dharma. — Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001), founder…

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Daily Inspiration

Source A millennium before Europeans were willing to divest themselves of the Biblical idea that the world was a few thousand years old, the Mayans were thinking of millions and the Hindus billions.— Carl Sagan (1934-1996), astrophysicist and author of Cosmos

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