Divinity Consultants Bring Spirituality to the Corporation Environment

Source UNITED STATES, August 28, 2020 (New York Times): Divinity consultants are designing sacred rituals for corporations and their spiritually depleted employees. Blending the obscure language of the sacred with the also obscure language of management consulting, the agencies provide corporations a range of spiritually inflected services. A new corporate clergy has arisen to formalize the remote work life. They…

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Daily Inspiration

Source The atman in you is that which indwells all things.” “Tell me, Yajnavalkya, about this atman that indwells all things.” “It is that which transcends hunger and thirst, sorrow and delusion, old age and death.”— Brihadaranyaka Upanishad III, 5A

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Hinduism Today’s Latest History Music Video Published:

Source KAUAI, HAWAII, September 18, 2020: “Six Key Hindu Concepts,” just published at “source” above, is the thirteenth song in Hinduism Today’s History of Hindu India Music Video series. It is a song for children intended to complement the fifth chapter of our popular History of Hindu India documentaries, “21st Century India.” The documentaries and songs neatly supplement the study…

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Yoga’s “Father in the West” Still Defining Our Spirituality and Celebrity 100 Years Later

Source UNITED STATES, September 16, 2020 (RNS by Tara I. Burton): One hundred years ago on Sept. 19, the Indian yogi and guru Paramahansa Yogananda arrived in Boston as the Indian delegate for the Unitarian Conference of Religious Liberals. Yogananda’s arrival, along with an earlier visit by another Indian teacher, Swami Vivekananda, began yoga’s rise on these shores into a…

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Daily Inspiration

Source When culture is flooding out of the temple, our actions are productive and our minds are creative, our speech is pure, our hearts rejoice and we become good citizens. Religion makes us good citizens, because we are peaceful inside and want peace in our land. Peace comes first from the individual. It is unrealistic to expect peace from our…

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Restoration of Centuries-Old Raghunath Temple in Srinagar Begins Almost 3 Decades After Terrorists Vandalized and Burnt It Down

Source JAMMU/KASHMIR, September 12, 2020 (Opindia): A year after the effective abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A and the administrative reorganization of Jammu and Kashmir, the government has decided to restore the lost glory of the centuries-old heritage shrine — Raghunath Temple situated near Fateh Kadal in the heart of Srinagar city, reported the Hindi daily, Jagran. The renovation work…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Like the household fire, devotees seek the glory of the Lord even from afar and enshrine it in their inner chamber for enlightenment. The glory of our Lord is full of splendor, all-illuminative and worthy to be honored in every heart.— Rig Veda 7.1.2

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Hinduism Today Launches Project to Help Hindu College Students Defend Their Faith

KAUAI, HAWAII, USA, September 8, 2020 (HPI): A common experience of college-age Hindu youth in the West is to be questioned about their religious beliefs. Hinduism Today is developing a project to provide students with responses to the standard criticisms and challenges. As part of this, we’re intending to explain the “issues behind the issues” for common topics, such as…

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Stanford Student’s Inspiring Story of One University’s Religious Accommodation

Source USA, September 12, 2020 (YouTube, with Rajiv Malhotra): Very informative video interview of Siddhartha, a 19-year-old student at Stanford University in California, one of the world’s foremost universities. Having been raised in a strict Hindu home in India, he found the initial situation at the Stanford dorm made his normal daily spiritual practices impossible. Watch him tell in his…

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Catholic Church, Including Its Missionary Work, Suffers Under the Pandemic

Source VATICAN CITY, September 9, 2020 (Religion News Service, excerpts): According to one priest, Martin Lasarte, the COVID-19 pandemic saw a “large reduction” in the realm of missionary work, aggravating an ongoing decline in the number of vocations and priests seeking to become missionaries. But while Catholicism may be waning in many Western countries, new communities are emerging in other…

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