Daily Inspiration

Source Try to treat with equal love all the people with whom you have relations. Thus the abyss between ‘myself’ and ‘yourself’ will be filled in, which is the goal of all religious worship.— Anandamayi Ma (1896-1982), God-intoxicated yogini and mystic Bengali saint

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Gurukool Waits to Open Its Doors to Students

Source UNITED STATES, September 8, 2020 (India Currents): Madhavi Prabha, a teacher with a vision, quit her regular teaching job after 10 years to start an After School Education Center for cultural enrichment, GuruKool, in 2018. An immigrant to this country and unfamiliar with the government system, her entrepreneurial spirit was met with red-tape. Frequently redirected from city to county…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Receptivity is the ability to accept all experiences of life without reacting to them.— Mata Amritanandamayi Ma, Kerala-based hugging saint

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Hinduism Today Launches Project to Help Hindu College Students Defend Their Faith

KAUAI, HAWAII, USA, September 8, 2020 (HPI): A common experience of college-age Hindu youth in the West is to be questioned about their religious beliefs. Hinduism Today is developing a project to provide students with responses to the standard criticisms and challenges. As part of this, we’re intending to explain the “issues behind the issues” for common topics, such as…

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Lord Ganesha: One Deity Across Many Borders

Source JAPAN, September 7, 2020 (Telangana Today): Faith knows no boundaries. The presence of a Deity in two countries proves the claim. The famous beloved Hindu elephant-headed God of wisdom in India, Ganesha, is worshipped in Japanese form as Kangiten. There are more than 250 temples across Japan dedicated to Japanese Buddhist (Shingon and Tendai schools) form of Ganesha, who…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Truth is one, paths are many. Stick to one path, but do not say to others that this is the only one. Recognize all other paths and respect them.— Swami Satchidananda (1914-2002), founder of Integral Yoga Institute and Satchidananda Ashram

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Reawakening of Pagan India and the Challenge It Can Pose to Abrahamic Worldviews: Part I

Source INDIA, September 4, 2020 (Swarajyamag by George Thundiparambil): The spiritual reversal that is evident in the rebuilding of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya perhaps physically signals the redemption of the human evolutionary process that had come to stagnate with the advent of the Abrahamic faiths. Ever since Abram and Sarai set foot in the Promised Land and subsequently changed…

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Daily Inspiration

Source There the eye goes not, nor words, nor mind. We know not. We cannot understand how He can be explained. He is above the known, and He is above the unknown. Thus have we heard from the ancient sages who explained this truth to us.— Sama Veda, Kena Upanishad 1.3

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