As Janmashtami Goes Virtual, Houston Hindus Celebrate in New Ways

Source HOUSTON, TEXAS, August 3, 2020 (Houston Chronicle): Hindus of Greater Houston have hosted 30 years of Janmashtami festivals — bringing various traditions from the city’s temples together, according to the organization’s president, Thara Narasimhan. “India’s greatness and diversity lies in the fact that every state celebrates Janmashtami in their own unique way,” she said. In the past, Hindus of…

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Gujarat State Prohibits Mass Celebration of Religious Festivals

Source GANDHINAGAR, INDIA, August 7, 2020 (Indian Express): With an aim to check the spread of Covid-19, the Gujarat government has prohibited mass celebration or public function of any religious festival and public fairs in the state, said an official release from Minister of State for Home Pradeepsinh Jadeja Friday. The release quoted Jadeja as saying that there were a…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Hinduism is the most dynamic religion on the planet, the most comprehensive and comprehending. The Hindu is completely filled with his religion all of the time. It is a religion of love. The common bonds uniting all Hindus into a singular spiritual body are the laws of karma and dharma, the belief in reincarnation, all-pervasive Divinity, the ageless traditions…

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Ayurveda Magazine Launches Series of Health Tip Videos on YouTube

Source UNITED STATES, August 7, 2020: Dr. Virender Sodhi, the first board-certified Ayurvedic and naturopathic physician in the United States, has launched a YouTube channel called Ayurveda Magazine. It so far features 17 videos ranging from two to twenty minutes, most in English but some in Hindi and Punjabi. The well-regarded doctor takes on topics ranging from acid reflux and…

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Poor and Desperate, Pakistani Hindus Accept Islam to Get By

Source PAKISTAN, August 4, 2020 (New York Times): Dozens of Hindu families converted in June in the Badin district of Sindh Province in southern Pakistan. Video clips of the ceremony went viral across the country, delighting hard-line Muslims and weighing on Pakistan’s dwindling Hindu minority. The mass ceremony was the latest in what is a growing number of such conversions…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.— Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Bengali poet and Brahmo Samaj philosopher

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African Style of Celebrating Ganesh Festival

Source ENTEBBE, UGANDA, August 5, 2020 (youtube): The short youtube video at “source” above shows a Ganesh Festival being celebrated African style with enthusiastic drumming and chanting at the Shree Ganesh Temple in Entebbe, Uganda. A second short video features the Ganesha Visarjana festival celebrated in Africa with the immersion of Ganesha in the ocean. It can be viewed here:…

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A New Hindu Temple in Veneto Inaugurated

Source VENETO, ITALY, July 30, 2020 (Qdp News Google translated from Italian): Shree Salasar Mandir is the name of the Hindu temple that was inaugurated yesterday, in Corso Tre Venezie in Padua, in the Arcella area. The Hindu community of Veneto therefore has a new place to pray and socialize just a few minutes from the center of a cosmopolitan…

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Daily Inspiration

Source After death, the soul goes to the next world bearing in mind the subtle impressions of its deeds, and after reaping their harvest returns again to this world of action. Thus, he who has desires continues subject to rebirth.— Shukla Yajur Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 4.4.6

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Slideshow Presentation on the British Legacy of India in Three Parts

Source INDIA July 30, 2020 (Slideshare by Arindam Bandyopadhyay): This excellent power point presentation by Dr. Arindam Bandyopadhyay of Texas covers the British legacy in India from the 18th century. In part one (“source” above), Bandyopadhyay explains how the British themselves never tire of “pointing with pride” to what they claim to have done and to be doing for the…

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