Hindu Temple Submerged 200 Years Ago Uncovered

Source INDIA, June 24, 2020 (Daily Mail): An ancient Hindu temple that was submerged in a catastrophic flood 200 years ago has re-emerged, as lower water levels reveal its sunken spire for the first time in decades. The 500-year-old monument to an avatar of the God Vishnu once stood proudly on the banks of the Mahanadi river in Odisha, eastern…

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Scaled-Down Jagannath Temple Festival Proceeds

Source INDIA, June 23, 2020 (Vice): The annual seven-day Rath Yatra festival typically sees millions of devotees gathering at the Jagannath temple in Puri, in the eastern state of Odisha, to worship statues representing Lord Jagannath and his family. Traditionally the statues are then transported via hand-drawn chariots to other temples across the state. Last week the Chief Justice of…

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Daily Inspiration

Source That which we call the Hindu religion is really the Eternal religion because it embraces all others.— Sri Aurobindo (1879-1950), philosopher and mystic

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Lockdown and the Festival Where Hindu Gods Go Into Isolation

Source INDIA, June 18, 2020 (Atlas Obscura): The permanent residents of the Shri Jagannath Temple, in the Indian coastal town of Puri in Odisha, usually have busy schedules. Every year, three murthis, representing the holy siblings Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Subhadra see and bless millions of Hindu pilgrims. But every June, the murthis go on sick leave, a fortnight of…

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Daily Inspiration

Source The syllable gu means shadows. The syllable ru, he who disperses them. Because of the power to disperse darkness, the guru is thus named.— Advayataraka Upanishad

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Reopening of Malaysian Temples Will Be Gradual

Source KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, June 16, 2020 (New Strait Times): Religious associations and temple managements say there is no rush in reopening places of worship as they wish to avoid any potential Covid-19 clusters. For Malaysian Hindu Sangam (MHS) president Datuk R.K. Mohan Shan, the demand to reopen was dependent on the devotees who had not been able to fulfill…

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Daily Inspiration

Source To associate with a sadhu is like sitting near a seller of perfumes. You may not be able to own any of the wonders he holds, but what emanates from them will envelop you.— Saint Kabir (1440-1518), Indian saint revered by Hindus and Muslims

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With Coffers Empty, Kerala’s Padmanabhaswamy Temple to Seek Help From Royal Family

Source THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, INDIA, June 15, 2020 (New Indian Express): In the wake of depleting revenue amid lockdown restrictions, the Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple — which sits on over US$13 billion wealth — has slipped into a deep financial crisis, prompting the management to take some extraordinary steps. It plans to approach the trust controlled by the Travancore royal family for aid…

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