Israel’s Prime Minister Encourages “Namaste” Greeting in Place of Handshakes During Coronavirus Outbreak

Source ISRAEL, March 5, 2020 ( Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke about the spread of coronavirus in Israel at a Wednesday press conference, suggesting that Israelis forego the normal greeting ritual of shaking hands and instead adopt the Indian meeting tradition of the Namaste. Netanyahu claimed the Namaste may help to slow the person-to-person spread of coronavirus on Israeli…

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Daily Inspiration

Source In thinking “This is I” and “That is mine” one binds himself with himself, as does a bird with a snare.— Krishna Yajur Veda, Maitreya Upanishad 3.2

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New Statue Of Lord Hanuman Installed At Ram Janmabhoomi Site, Old Damaged Statue Immersed In Saryu River

Source INDIA, April 13, 2020 (Swarajyamag): A new statue of Lord Hanuman has been installed at the makeshift Ram Janmabhoomi temple site here. The old statue was damaged but could not be replaced till now due to the Supreme Court directive for maintaining “status quo” owing to the pending case on the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute. The old statue has…

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First Hindu University in Muslim-Majority Indonesia Named after Sugriva

Source BALI, INDONESIA, April 13, 2020 (Sunrise Read): The first Hindu university has been opened in Indonesia in the name of Sugriva, a character from the Ramcharit Manas. Indonesia has converted an institute in Bali into the first Hindu university in the country. Under the Presidential Regulation, Hinduism State Institute of Denpasar, Bali has been made the first Hindu State…

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Volunteers Feed Hungry Animals at Nepal’s Revered Shrine

Source KATMANDU, NEPAL, April 13, 2020 (Brownsville Herald): In this photo, a Nepalese volunteer carries a sack of corn to feed pigeons at Pashupatinath temple, the country’s most revered Hindu temple, during the lockdown in Kathmandu, Nepal. Guards, staff and volunteers are making sure animals and birds on the temple grounds don’t starve during the country’s lockdown, which halted temple…

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Coronavirus Pandemic Hits Hindu Priests Hard in Bengal, over 200,000 Lose Job

Source KOLKATA, INDIA, April 13, 2020 (Deccan Herald): Over 200,000 Hindu priests in West Bengal have become jobless as various social functions, rituals and religious festivities have either been cancelled or postponed to prevent public gatherings in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, a pandits’ organization spokesperson said on Monday. “If there are no pujas and other religious functions in…

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Daily Inspiration

Source One should go beyond relative knowledge and abide in the Self. Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world. Seek the seeker.— Ramana Maharishi (1879-1950), South Indian mystic

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Kolkata Priests Feel the Pinch as Income Dries up Amid Lockdown

Source KOLKATA, INDIA, April 12, 2020 (Indian Express): The nationwide lockdown imposed on March 25 to contain the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has left Hindu priests in the city in distress as their earnings have dried up. In normal times, they earn a relatively significant amount of money in March and April, when several religious festivals and weddings are held.…

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