Future Story on the Issue of Fair Skin

KAUAI, HAWAII, February 12, 2020 (HPI): Hinduism Today is seeking testimonials about the tendency in Indian communities to give preference to fair skin, and to attempt cosmetological lightening of natural dark skin. Our main writer will be Anushree Kumar, who is a neuroscientist and writer based in France. It was her HuffPost story that inspired this article. You can read…

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The Hidden Biases That Drive Anti-Vegan Hatred

Source UNITED KINGDOM, February 3, 2020 (BBC Future, by Zaria Gorvett): As the popularity of vegan life continues to gather pace, a tide of vitriol has risen. To eat meat, or not to eat meat: the question has become a battleground, with passionate carnivores and vegan activists deploying some deliciously headline-grabbing tactics. Though it’s natural for people to disagree, the…

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Daily Inspiration

Source To enter into the spiritual life is a rare blessedness, it is a great good: to take it seriously and engage in active spiritual Sadhana is a second blessedness and a still greater good: but to persevere in the spiritual life, to be ever progressive and ceaseless in one’s spiritual life, is the greatest good, the crowning blessedness.— Swami…

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Ramayana Art Goes on Sale

Source BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA, February 11, 2020 (HPI): When artist Ashley Moore found her way to Hinduism through studying Valmiki’s Ramayana, she was compelled to express her devotion in the best way she knew how — painting. It was critical that her interpretation of the epic carried all the spiritual and emotional weight that the narrative demanded. After three years of…

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Singapore’s Thaipusam Event Sees High Turnout Despite Coronavirus Concerns

Source SINGAPORE, February 9, 2020 (Straits Times): Stepped-up precautionary measures in the light of the coronavirus outbreak did little to dampen the fervor of thousands of Hindu devotees, who turned out to seek blessings and fulfil their vows at this year’s Thaipusam festival. The religious procession went on as usual, drawing some 11,500 devotees — the highest participation rate since…

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President Jokowi Creates Indonesia’s First Hindu State University

Source JAKARTA, INDONESIA, February 3, 2020 (Jakarta Post): President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has issued a presidential regulation (Perpres) turning the Hindu Dharma State Institute (IHDN) in Denpasar, Bali, into the country’s first Hindu state university. The regulation stated that the new university, named I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa State Hindu University (UHN), would “administer Hindu higher education programs” as well as…

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Daily Inspiration

Source You can gain an intricate control of the various things that change in and about you. Lean your thoughts and feelings in the right direction, and discover how quickly your circumstances will change their direction.— Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001), founder of Hinduism Today

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Hindu Temple Plans Large Murugan Statue Rural North Carolina

Source NORTH CAROLINA, U.S., January 30, 2020 (News Observer): A Triangle-based Hindu group plans to build a temple in a rural area of the “Triangle” region (noted for its three top research universities) of North Carolina. The temple will help preserve Hinduism’s ancient culture and language, while embracing a modern American ideal: It will be huge. The temple will feature…

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1,000-Year-Old Big Temple’s Reconsecration in February

Source THANJAVUR, TAMIL NADU, INDIA, January 17, 2020 (Deccan Chronicle): If one goes by the inscriptions available, the reconsecration to be held this February 5 for the Tnanjavur’s “Big Temple,” it will be the sixth such grand event in its history. As per an inscription, the first Kumbabishekam to the temple was held in 1010 CE and was done by…

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