Shamshabad Ramanuja Statue Progressing

Source HYDERABAD, INDIA, August 9, 2017 (YouTube): HPI Note: The video is from 2017 and gives a good overview of the project. The statue itself is in place, but with the surrounding construction in various stages of completion. For current information go to: Sri Ramanujacharya’s statue near Hyderabad in Telangana is the second biggest statue in the world. Tridandi…

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In Japan, A Debate about Swastikas Takes on New Urgency

Source JAPAN, January 2019, (The Outline by Samuel Argyle): Around the world, symbols hold disparate meanings based on cultural relevance. For Westerners, the swastika induces feelings of disgust and remorse; the tacit acknowledgement that we must not let evil consume us again. It may be impossible for those aware of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust to ever be able to…

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Daily Inspiration

Source The biggest sorrow is poverty. The greatest happiness is that of meeting with a saint, which is beyond compare.— Tulsidas in the Ramacharitamanasa, 16th century

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Daily Inspiration

Source Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.— Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952), Founder of Self-Realization Fellowship

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Oscar Pujol: My Sanskrit-Spanish Dictionary Is a Bridge to Indian Culture

Source BARCELONA, SPAIN, December 21, 2019 (Lavan Guardia, translated from Spanish): The Catalan academic Oscar Pujol has published the first Sanskrit-Spanish dictionary, a work that exceeds 1,500 pages with more than 64,000 translated words, that aspires to be an essential tool for students of the Sanskrit language and “lovers of Indian culture.” In an interview with EFE, Pujol has explained…

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Thirteen Major Upanishads Translated Into Spanish Directly from Sanskrit for the First Time

Source SPAIN, November 28, 2019 (La Voz De Galicia, translated from Spanish): “Upanisad, Correspondencias Ocultas” has been published by Editorial Atalanta publishers. The Valencian author, Juan Arnau–astrophysicist and doctor in Sanskrit philosophy–is responsible for the editing and translation, for which he had the collaboration of the poet Vicente Gallego and the Sanskritists Oscar Figueroa, Wendy Phillips and Roberto Garcia. The…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Life is meant for God-realization. If you die without attaining God-realization, your life is in vain. Even having one hundred gurus will not help, unless the disciple has a great desire for liberation and tries to get rid of all that stands in the way.— Swami Chidananda (1916-2008), President of Divine Life Society

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Delaware Temple Welcomes Massive Statue of Hindu God

Source HOCKESSIN, DELAWARE, January 19, 2020 (Washington Post): A Delaware temple is now home to a statue of a Hindu God said to be the tallest in the country. Hundreds of people celebrated the arrival of the 25-foot, 20-ton granite statue of the Hindu God Hanuman Saturday morning at a temple in Hockessin, The News Journal reported. A welcome ceremony…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Find the One everywhere and in everything and there will be an end to all pain and suffering.— Sri Anandamayi Ma (1896-1982), Bengali mystic and saint

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