Daily Inspiration

Source When in despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end they always fall–think of it, always.— Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

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Daily Inspiration

Source We who have come from the East here have been told day after day in a patronizing way that we ought to accept Christianity because Christian nations are the most prosperous. We look about us and see England as the most prosperous nation in the world, with her foot on the neck of 250 million Asiatics. We look back…

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Spiritual Leader of Dharmapuram Aadheenam Passes Away at 93

Source NAGAPATTINAM, INDIA, December 5, 2019 (New Indian Express): The 26th Guru Maha Sannidhanam of Dharmapuram Aadheenam Shanmuga Desiga Gnansambandha Paramachariya Swamigal died in a hospital at Thanjavur on Wednesday afternoon. He was 93. The cremation will take place on Thursday. Ilaya Sannithanam Srilasri Maasilamani Desiga Swamigal is expected to take over as Guru Maha Sannidhanam. [An aadheenam is a…

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Daily Inspiration

Source As long as someone cries out “O God! O God!” be sure that he has not found God, for whoever has found Him becomes still.— Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa (1836-1886)

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India’s First Yoga Guru In West

Source INDIA, November 30, 2019 (Telangana Today): It is a tribute to all that he did and achieved, so painstakingly and with such great devotion, that New Delhi has for a third time honored an Indian who did perhaps more than anyone else to lay the foundation for yoga in the West. The tragedy is that despite his stellar contribution…

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Northeast India’s Tribals Struggle to Maintain Ethnic Identities

Source INDIA, November 25, 2019 (Sentinel Assam): Most ethnic groups and tribal communities across the North-eastern region are currently undergoing a phase where they are struggling to protect their respective identities. Over 200 years ago, majority of the communities across the region had practiced various indigenous faiths, which mostly revolved around worship of Nature. Trees, rocks, rivers, thunder, rain, earth,…

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Pawan Questions: Why Only Taxes on Hindu Temples?

Source INDIA, November 24, 2019 (Gulte): Quoting Chilkur Balaji Temple’s head priest Shri Rangarajan as saying, Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan has questioned the governments of AP and Telangana for collecting taxes from Hindu temples alone. Echoing the similar views of Shri Rangarajan, Pawan Kalyan said how the secular governments are charging one-third of temples revenue as taxes. He said on…

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Exhibition Celebrates Temples of Odisha

Source NEW DELHI, INDIA, November 24, 2019 (Outlook India): An ongoing exhibition here showcases the intricate richness of revered Hindu temples and architecture marvels Jagannath and Lingaraj through an array of miniature stone and wooden models put together with finely detailed engravings and paintings. The exhibition, “Interpreting Temples” by Siddhartha Das Studio, was inaugurated by eminent photographer Raghu Rai, renowned…

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