Daily Inspiration

Source This body of mine brought seeds with it. Illness is one of them. Activity passes on and so does the body. Of what concern is it to us? All this was settled long ago. Don’t be afraid of anything.— Satguru Siva Yogaswami (1872-1964), Sri Lankan mystic

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Daily Inspiration

Source Go beyond science, into the region of metaphysics. Real religion is beyond argument. It can only be lived simultaneously inwardly and outwardly.— Swami Sivananda (1887-1963), founder of Divine Life Society, Rishikesh

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Dealing with Campus Christian Missionaries

Source EVANSTON, ILLINOIS, USA, November 22, 2019 (Daily Northwestern, by Tanisha Tekriwal): I don’t know how many people on the campus of Northwestern University have been roped into a conversation about “spirituality” that ended up feeling like an attempt at conversion. As an international student, the title “Cru” meant nothing to me, and I suspect there are many domestic students,…

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Daily Inspiration

Source All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything. All is God. But you cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.— Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), disciple of Sri Ramakrishna

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Ontario Passes Proclaims November Hindu Heritage Month

Source ONTARIO, CANADA, November 18, 2019 (Legislative Assembly of Ontario): Ontario is home to a large and vibrant Hindu community. Since the first Hindu immigrants arrived in Canada at the beginning of the 20th century, Hindu Canadians from across Ontario have made significant contributions across all fields: science, education, medicine, law, politics, business, culture and sports. They have helped build…

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The Meat Question: Animals, Humans and the Deep History of Food

Source USA, November 18, 2019 (Mitpress): Humans are eating more meat than ever. Despite ubiquitous Sweetgreen franchises and the example set by celebrity vegans, demand for meat is projected to grow at twice the rate of demand for plant-based foods over the next thirty years. Between 1960 and 2010, per capita meat consumption in the developing world more than doubled;…

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Sat Maharaj of Trinidad Passes On

Source TRINIDAD/TOBAGO, November 16, 2019 (Trinidad Express): Champion of many Hindus and Indians in Trinidad and Tobago Satnayaran Maharaj died clasping the Hanuman Chalisa. “In his dying moments he clasped a copy of the Hanuman Chalisa which he always kept in his possession when he was alive,” stated a release from the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS) executive and Maharaj’s…

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Puri’s Govardhan Mutt Moved out of Odisha Government’s Control

Source BHUBANESWAR, INDIA, November 16, 2019 (Hindustan Times): The Odisha government passed an amendment to free Puri’s famous Govardhan Math from state control on Saturday following persistent demands by the Puri Shankaracharya. The amendment gives Puri Math parity with the other three Hindu monasteries of Dwarka, Shringeri and Joshimath, all established by Adi Shankaracharya and managed without government interference. Law…

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Daily Inspiration

Source When I think of myself as a body, I am your servant, my Lord; when I think of myself as an individual soul, I am part of you; but when I realize I am atman, you and I become one.— Lord Hanuman in the epic Ramayana

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