Daily Inspiration

Source It is Divinity that shapes, not only your ends, but also your acts, your words and thoughts. Your duty is to treat everybody, including yourself, as a manifestation of the Lord.— Swami Sivananda (1887-1963), founder of Divine Life Society, Rishikesh

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World Hindu Council Conference “Threads 2019” Tells the Story of Hindu Americans

Source BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, November 7, 2019 (India New England News): Attended by about 400 delegates from 30 states in the United States and Canada, the Threads 2019 conference, organized by World Hindu Council of America, concluded on Sunday after three days of thought-provoking and captivating deliberations. Hindu-American thinkers, artists, educators, writers, public policy makers, scientists, medical professionals, technologists, entrepreneurs, business…

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Bali Government Sets Aside $114,076 to Revamp Besakih Temple in 2020

Source BALI, INDONESIA, November 8, 2019 (Coconuts): Bali’s provincial government is setting aside around US$114,076 to revamp the Besakih Temple complex in Karangasem regency starting next year, with plans to build new food stalls and a parking facility in tow. “All this time we lacked earnestness in taking care [of Besakih Temple] that now it’s become less pristine because it’s…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Take up one idea and make that your life– think of it, dream of it, live on it. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success. One single soul with good motives, sincerity and infinite love can destroy the…

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Could Multiple Personality Disorder Explain Life, the Universe and Everything?

Source UNITED STATES, June 18, 2018 (Scientific American): In 2015, doctors in Germany reported the extraordinary case of a woman who suffered from what has traditionally been called “multiple personality disorder” and today is known as “dissociative identity disorder” (DID). The woman exhibited a variety of dissociated personalities (“alters”), some of which claimed to be blind. Using EEGs, the doctors…

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Anti-India Narrative: Yoga is American and India is about Cows and Caste

Source INDIA, November 6, 2019 (YouTube by Karolina Goswami): India’s own intellectual traditions are now being claimed elsewhere. Does India realize that its so called soft power is not completely owned by it anymore? Without even visiting or knowing India, India’s own soft power is being consumed, utilized and exploited by many across the world. Yoga can be a good…

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Sagar Island Festival is Sinking into the Sea

Source INDIA, October 10, 2019 (OZY): Sitting in the gardens of the Kapil Muni Temple on Sagar Island, Sanjay Das seems unperturbed by the fact that the temple over which he presides is not, in fact, the original. “Three or four have already been lost in the sea,” he says, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the nearby beach where…

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Daily Inspiration

Source By constantly repeating, “I am free, I am free,” a man verily becomes free. On the other hand, by constantly repeating, “I am bound, I am bound,” he certainly becomes bound. The fool who says only, “I am a sinner, I am a sinner,” verily drowns himself in worldliness. One should rather say: “I praise the name of God.…

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The Science Behind South India’s Mridangam Drum

Source CHENNAI, INDIA, November 5, 2019 (Deccan Chronicle): Taking a cue from Nobel laureate C. V. Raman who did an in-depth study into the harmonics of mridangam and published papers in 1920, eminent percussionist Dr. Umayalpuram K. Sivaraman and scientists Dr. T. Ramasamy and Dr. M. D. Naresh have done new and extensive research for their book “Musical Excellence of…

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