The British Did Not “Invent” India…

Source INDIA, April 24, 2019 (Quora by Vittal Setty): Even before the Brits set foot in India a group of them founded The East India Company in 1600 It was called East India Company, not East Jodhpur Company, East Travancore Company, Mysore Company, East Maratha Company or Junagadh Company or Punjab Company, CoochBehar Company or any of the 400 princely…

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One Killed in Nepal During Clash over Statue Immersion

Source KATHMANDU, NEPAL, November 1, 2019 (PYI): A 20-year-old Indian national was killed after security forces in southern Nepal opened fire to disperse a mob following a clash between two religious groups over a procession to immerse a statue. The clash took place after a group of Muslims raised objection over a route taken by a Hindu group to immerse…

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Daily Inspiration

Source We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.— Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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1,500 Dalits Convert to Buddhism in India

Source AHMEDABAD, INDIA, October 31, 2019 (Buddhist Door): Some 1,500 Dalits embraced Buddhism in a mass conversion ceremony in the Indian state of Gujarat on 27 October. The ceremony was held at the Sardar Vallabhahai Patel National Memorial in Ahmedabad in the southwest of the state. The city is approximately 186 miles north of Mumbai in Maharashtra, a major center…

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Daily Inspiration

Source There is nothing amazing in the world. Your ignorance shows when you find it so. It all happened long, long ago. What can be amazing? I am you and you are me. I am eternal, birthless, deathless, changeless, secondless.— Satguru Yogaswami, (1862-1964) Sri Lankan mystic

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The Damage Caused by Western Media to India is Enormous: Francois Gautier

Source GUWAHATI, ASSAM, INDIA , October 29, 2019 (By Francois Gautier, IT News): “Hinduism is the only religion today that accepts and respects all the other religions and Hindus are descendants of one of the most ancient civilization in human history, but there are many Western journalists and correspondents who are still biased against India.” So said Francois Gautier, an…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Free will is not free–it is a phenomenon bound by cause and effect–but there is something behind the will which is free.— Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)

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Negative Impact of Social Media on Community Relations in Bangladesh

Source BANGLADESH, October 27, 2019 (Dhaka Tribune by Abak Hussain): Social media has many uses — some good, some mildly disturbing. But what we are seeing now in Bangladesh, most recently in Bhola and in many other places before that, is unmatched in its vileness, and reveals the existence of a mind-set in our country that most decent people would…

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Winds of Change Threaten Humble Dipavali Oil Lamp

Source INDIA, October 26, 2019 (Star of Mysore): As Deepavali, the festival of lights approaches, mounds of earthen lamps piled up in baskets are growing outside shops in Mysuru. They are in direct competition with shops selling electric goods — the long line of multi-colored, China-made fairy lights dangle and wink at the traditional clay lamps. They seem to be…

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Daily Inspiration

Source The way to freedom is a way of silence–of silent resolve and silent service.— Sadhu Vaswani, (1879-1966) founder the Sadhu Vaswani Mission

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