Africa’s First White Tiger Cubs to be Named by Hindu Council

SourceJOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, June 17, 2003: Three white tiger cubs with blue eyes and chocolate-brown stripes were born at a South African wildlife ranch. They were the first such cubs to be born in Africa, which has no indigenous tigers. The ranch will ask South Africa’s Hindu Council to suggest names for them. White tigers were once found in the…

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Pushakaram Ritual Kits Available

SourceNEW DELHI, INDIA, June 17, 2003: The Hyndava Dharma Peethamu, a body which guides people on Hindu rituals, has devised unique ritual kits for people participating in the Godavari Pushkarams beginning July 30. It is a once-in-twelve-years ritual of worship along the Godavari River. An executive committee member of the Peetham, K. Sudhakar, told reporters on Monday that the ritual…

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Priests Unhappy As Jharkhand Temple Enters Cyber Age

Daily PioneerNEW DELHI, INDIA, June 15, 2003: The administration of Deogarh, about 215 miles from the state capital, has taken the Baba Vaidyanath Shiv temple online so devotees can seek the Deity’s blessings without actually visiting the shrine. “People living in other parts of the country and abroad requested me to put the temple online as has been done with…

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Consumers May be Fed Up With Cattle Feed

SourceUNITED STATES, June 9, 2003: Did you know meat leftovers from a favorite restaurant may be dinner for a cow? Or that calves, instead of drinking their mothers’ milk, are fed formula made from cows’ blood? These practices, all perfectly legal, have come to light with the discovery last month of North America’s first homegrown case of “mad cow” disease.…

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Ayurvedic Pharmacy Health to Improve Medicine Quality

SourcePATIALA, INDIA, June 15, 2003: From having practically no medicines for nearly four years at a stretch, hundreds of Ayurvedic dispensaries across the state will now be supplied Ayurvedic preparations through the state of the art machinery being installed at its only state pharmacy here. Three years after a grant was released by the Center for strengthening state pharmacies, the…

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Amma, India’s “Hugging Saint” Visits California

SourceCASTRO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, June 11, 2003: The latest stop on a 10-city U.S. tour found Mata Amritanandamayi at her Castro Valley Center on Tuesday, where she launched a 13-day visit that drew more than a thousand people to the morning and afternoon sessions for darshan, a free hug. Amma’s goal is simple: she wants to help people discover pure love…

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Indian Festival Serves Cuisine, Connections

SourceMARYLAND, U.S.A., June 14, 2003: Thousands of statues of Lord Ganesha began filling the Montgomery County Fairgrounds early yesterday, as dancers from India practiced their steps on stage, which offered shelter from the morning heat. For the uninitiated, the first day of the Heritage India Festival in Gaithersburg, Maryland, was a chance to learn more about the many cultures of…

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Anti-Dowry Movement Supported by Two Brides’ Denials

SourceCHENNAI, INDIA, June 8, 2003: Two young women on the eve of their wedding have given momentum to the anti-dowry movement in India by calling off the occasion when potential future husbands and their families got greedy and demanded more gifts from the brides’ families. Vidya in Chennai and Nisha Sharma in Delhi received action from the police in pressing…

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Elephant Rescued From Begging

SourceCHENNAI, INDIA, June 11, 2003: Another complaint of a cow elephant being forced to seek alms in Red Hills, on the northern fringes of the city, was reported on Wednesday. The animal was rescued and housed safely in the People for Animals (PfA) shelter at Red Hills. The mahout accompanying the elephant was unable to show ownership papers for the…

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