Help Us Rate the Airline’s Vegetarian Menus

SourceKAUAI, USA, May 28, 2003: Hinduism Today is preparing a story on in-flight vegetarian meals, inspired by the discovery that EVA’s “Hindu” meal includes chicken. Send a short statement to “source” on your experience with in-flight vegetarian meals, including your best and worst experiences and your suggestions for fellow veggie travelers.

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Women Take the Lead to Empower Themselves

SourceTEHRI, INDIA, May 25, 2003: In the remote hilly regions of Uttaranchal, where the constant struggle for life is an everyday affair for most women, a social forum has succeeded in changing their lives by connecting its activities with their daily routine. “We have connected our activities with ‘Jal, Jameen, Jungle aur Zindagi’ (literally, “water, earth, forest and life”),” says…

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Dot-Com Bust Affects NRI’s Charity

SourceMUMBAI, INDIA, May 24, 2003: Two out of three nonresident Indians in the Silicon Valley have been significantly affected by the dot-com bust and the impact has reflected in the community’s philanthropy. Two surveys, one conducted last month and the other two years ago, show how NRI attitudes in the Valley towards philanthropy have changed with the economic cycle of…

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US$10 Million Settlement Awards Announced in McDonald’s Beef-Laced French Fries Case

SourceCHICAGO, ILLINOIS, May 21, 2003: A Cook County judge has named 24 groups to divide a US$10 million settlement from McDonald’s over beef-laced french fries, resolving a dispute about which organizations would share in the awards. The ruling Monday by Circuit Judge Richard Siebel followed months of legal wrangling since Oak Brook-based McDonald’s agreed to the payment last year. The…

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Canadian Textbook Publisher Promotes Religious Understanding

Hinduism TodayKauai, USA, May 26, 2003: Thomson Nelson, a school text publisher in Canada, is including two excerpts from Hinduism Today in its upcoming book “My Place in the World” for ninth graders. The book’s straightforward advocacy of religious tolerance is really quite remarkable, as shown by their choice of excerpts. The first excerpt: “The following was published in Hinduism…

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The Changing Face of Religious Affiliation in Canada

SourceOTTAWA, CANADA, May 13, 2003: Canadian population demographics have been released on religious affiliation from the May 15, 2001, census. While seventy percent of Canadians identify their religion as Roman Catholic, the largest religious group in Canada, the churches’ devotees are dropping steadily. In contrast, the number of Canadians affiliating themselves with religions such as Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism are…

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British Fast Becoming Vegetarians

SourceLONDON, ENGLAND, May 21, 2003: The following revelations coincided with the celebration of the National Vegetarian Week: if Britons continue to turn vegetarianism at the current rate, it is predicted in 50 years the traditional roast and full English breakfast will be consigned to the dustbins of history. Around 2,000 Britons a week are converting to vegetarianism and if the…

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Seychelle Archipelago’s Hindu Temple

SourceSEYCHELLE ARCHIPELAGO, May 23, 2003: Tamil writer, Vijaratnam Sivasupramaniam, tells the world about the Seychelles islands in his new book, “Decade of growth.” The Seychelles are located southwest of India and east of Kenya in the Indian Ocean. Hindus began organized religious gatherings in 1984 when they formed the Seychelles Hindu Kovil Sangham. The Sangham went on to build the…

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Mansarovar Yatra Correction

HPIKAUAI, U.S.A., May 26, 2003: Sadhvi Bhagwati, from Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh, has written with additional information regarding yesterday’s story on the cancellation of this year’s Mansarovar Yatra: “Although the Indian Government has indefinitely postponed their yatra due to China closing the land route over Lipulekh Pass, regular yatras to Mansarovar and Mt. Kailash will begin again at the…

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Top Barrister Preeta Bansal New Member of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

SourceWASHINGTON D.C., U.S.A., May 24, 2003: Persistent lobbying by Hindu-Americans, especially after last year’s violence in Gujarat, to have an Indian-American on the US statutory commission which oversees religious freedom worldwide has paid off. Preeta Bansal, who was earlier solicitor-general of New York and a White House counsel in the Clinton administration, was last night nominated to the US Commission…

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