Daily Inspiration

Source Spirituality is neither the privilege of the poor nor the luxury of the rich. It is the choice of the wise man. — Swami Chinmayananda (1916-1993), founder of Chinmaya Mission

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Badrinath Shrine to be Closed to Public from November 17

Source UTTARAKHAND, INDIA, November 17, 2019 (Times of India): Badrinath Temple, the much-revered Hindu shrine in the state of Uttarakhand will be shut for tourists from November 17th for the year. The shrine opens for pilgrims every year for around six months before winter’s advance in the region. For the current year, the season will soon draw to a close,…

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India’s Slowing Economy Hits Hindu Festival Celebrations

Source NEW DELHI, INDIA, October 10, 2019 (CNA video report): A major religious festival in India has seen a tightening of purse strings this year. Durga Puja, a Hindu festival marking the victory of the Goddess Durga over a demon king, is observed in many parts of India. And while celebrations are often grand, budgets this year have been low…

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Daily Inspiration

Source It is fitting to describe the Self as awareness dissolving into itself, as when you come out of it, there is no experience to remember, only a new perspective, a total perspective from which you then view the mind. — Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, publisher of Hinduism Today

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Netflix Greenlights Animated Series about Hindu Deities in Preschool from Pixar Veteran

Source UNITED STATES, October 9, 2019 (Polygon): Ghee Happy, a playful reimagining of Hindu Deities, is officially slated as Netflix’s latest animated series. The project comes from Pixar veteran Sanjay Patel, who worked on the studio’s big staples, like Ratatouille and the Incredibles films. Patel’s short, Sanjay’s Super Team, was nominated for Best Animated Short Film at the 88th Academy…

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This Temple Kitchen Never Sleeps

Source VIJAYAWADA, INDIA, October 4, 2019 (The Hindu): Even before the Kanaka Durga temple is thrown open to devotees for darshan at 3 a.m. during the Dasara festival, activity at the temple kitchen begins. Volunteers, cooks and their helpers get down to work at 2 a.m. as the food has to be ready by 8.30 a.m. The task is enormous:…

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Durga Puja Ends on Bijoya Dashami Today

Source DHAKA, BANGLADESH, October 8, 2019 (Dhaka Tribune): The biggest religious festival of the Hindus will come to an end on Tuesday with the immersion of the statues of the Goddess Durga in rivers and water bodies across the country on Bijoya Dashami. The last day of Navratri also celebrated as Bijoya Dashami is celebrated on the 10th day of…

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Trinidad Hindus Observe Nau Raatri with Complete Devotion

HPI PORT-OF-SPAIN, TRINIDAD/TOBAGO, October 7, 2019 (HPI by Paras Ramoutar): Hindus in Trinidad and Tobago observed Nau Raatri with great enthusiasm and devotion which lasted for nine days as mandirs, homes and other public places of worship were packed signalling again that Hinduism is strong and vibrant. The nine days of worship ended on Sunday night (Oct. 6) amidst the…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Where seekest thou? That freedom, friend, this world nor that can give. In books and temples, vain thy search. Thine only is the hand that holds the rope that drags thee on. Then cease lament. Let go thy hold, sannyasin bold! Say “Om Tat Sat, Om!” — Swami Vivekananda (1863‚Äì1902), Song of the Sannyasin

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