New Study Shows Vegetarian Diet Lowers Cholesterol

GO TO SOURCE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, March 7, 2003: A new vegetarian diet emphasizing soy and soluble fiber can lower cholesterol by one-third. The Portfolio diet, as it’s called, involves several trendy nutrients that have been shown separately to be good for the heart. Canadian researchers set out to see what would happen if they were combined into a single…

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Government To Resettle Displaced Kashmir Pandits

Source: NEW DELHI, INDIA, March 6, 2003: The Jammu and Kashmir government is working on a plan to develop an area in Anantnag district, in the Kashmir Valley and 40 miles southeast of Srinigar, for resettling around 300,000 displaced Kashmiri Pandits to the valley. The government plans to build around 500 apartment flats with provision of security and essential…

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Ban On Smoking Fails To Reverse Cigarette Sales

Source: HYDERABAD, INDIA, March 5, 2003: The number of cigarettes being smoked in India is going up, despite the ban on smoking in public places. The consumption has increased by seven billion cigarettes this year — from 87 billion sticks in 2001-2002. “People who have been smoking bidis may graduate from bidi smoking to cigarette smoking if their economic…

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UK “Crisps” Ads Stereotype Indians

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, ENGLAND, March 8, 2003: Southall, the British capital’s mini India, was taken aback to see British soccer star Gary Lineker dressed as an Indian bridegroom, with his hair dyed black and sitting on a white horse. There were women in saris dressed for the wedding, and a proper baraat, or marriage party, in tow. So was…

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Contacts Needed for Angor Wat Research

GO TO SOURCE KAUAI, HAWAII, March 9, 2003: HPI has been asked to help find someone in Cambodia, or closely associated with the Angor Wat temple, who could assist with the visit of a renowned Hindu temple architect of South India who will be there visit June 11 and 12 of this year. If you could help, or could suggest…

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Ten Reasons Why the English Language is So Hard to Learn

Source: HPI UNITED STATES, March 9, 2003: Learning a new language can be challenging, but here are ten reasons why English is so confusing. 1. The bandage was wound around the wound. 2. The farm was used to produce produce. 3. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. 4. We must polish the Polish furniture.…

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Ganga River Clean Up Campaign Set for March

GO TO SOURCE KANPUR, INDIA, March 3, 2003: The United Nations has declared 2003 as the International Year of Freshwater and March 22 is the World Water Day. The environmental group, Eco Friends, is launching a massive Ganga cleanup campaign in Kanpur from March 16 to March 22, 2003. The objective behind this campaign is to make the six-mile stretch…

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South Florida Hindu Community Honors Dr. Arvind Sharma

GO TO SOURCE FORT LAUDERDALE, UNITED STATES, March 8, 2003: The Hindu Community of South Florida has honored Dr. Arvind Sharma, Ph.D., Birks Professor of Comparative Religion at McGill University, Montreal, as its “Hindu Of the Year.” Dr. Sharma was presented with this award at a special ceremony sponsored by the South Florida Hindu Temple, Fort Lauderdale, on the occasion…

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Study Demonstrates People Are Happier When They Feel Grateful

Source: HPI SACRAMENTO, UNITED STATES, March 4, 2003: A groundbreaking series of experiments at the University of California at Davis suggests that counting your blessings makes you happier. “When people consciously practice grateful living, their happiness will go up and their ability to withstand negative events will improve, as does their immunity to anger, envy, resentment and depression,” says UC…

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Hindu Life in Myanmar, a Reader Responds

GO TO SOURCE EPPSTEIN, WEST GERMANY, March 7, 2003: HPI’s short piece yesterday on Myanmar lamented the lack of news about that country. Indrajit Ganguli, “source” above, responded with this personal travelogue: “I was born in Myanmar and always wanted to visit the place of my birth, but it was not possible due to restrictions. However, the government of Myanmar…

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