American Hindu Temple on Public Television

GO TO SOURCE LANHAM, UNITED STATES, January 16, 2003: The Public Broadcasting station recently featured an interview between Deryl Davis, reporter, and various devotees at the Maryland Sri Siva-Vishnu Temple just outside of Washington, D.C. Deryl Davis introduces the Temple as an opportunity for people in the West to experience the world’s most ancient religion right here on American soil…

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Assam’s Elephants Promoted for Protection

GO TO SOURCE ASSAM, INDIA, January 13, 2003: Hoping to ease the tension between the local villagers and the elephants, and to promote an appreciation for the pachyderms, a carnival attended by 15,000 people at Kaziranga National Park may have achieved this purpose. The crowds cheered as elephants danced, played football and marched in unison during the two-day festival. Wildlife…

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UK’s Trinity College Adds Indian Music to its Curriculum

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, ENGLAND, January 13, 2002: For decades, the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has been promoting and spreading the culture and arts of India in its facility. Apparently its efforts have not gone unnoticed as Trinity College of Music has asked the Bhavan to start a course in Indian music at the college in 2004. For Hindu culture this…

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Papal Documents Record Evidence of the Caste System

GO TO SOURCE TAMIL NADU, INDIA, January 10, 2003: Evidence that the caste system and it perpetuation has been prevalent within the Catholic church in India, has been discovered in various papal documents. Following conversion to Christianity from Hinduism, the Dalits (so called untouchables) were kept separate from the Brahmins in the congregation. In 1623, missionaries requested that the Bull…

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Indian Villagers Pledge To Fight Extortion By Christian Separatists

Source: Agence France Presse GUWAHATI, INDIA, December 31, 2002: Hindu villagers in India’s restive northeastern state of Tripura have pledged to fight alleged extortion demands by a Christian separatist group, community leaders said. Militants of the outlawed National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) have served extortion notices to hundreds of Hindu tribals and threatened them with death if they do…

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London’s Metropolitan Police Forms Hindu Association

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, ENGLAND, January 11, 2003: For the first time in the history of London’s Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), its Hindu officers have come together to form the Metropolitan Police Hindu Association (MPHA). The MPS has over 200 Hindu staff members. The chairman of MPHA, Mahesh Nandha, told Hindustan Times that there are already 40 people interested and…

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Solar Tower to be built in Australian Outback

GO TO SOURCE NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA, January 5, 2003: History will be made in 2006, if everything goes as planned, with the completion of a 3300 foot tall solar tower in the Australian Outback. Conceived in Germany by structural engineers Schlaich Bergerman, the tower has the financial backing of the Australian and New South Wales governments to the tune…

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Spiritual Fashion Could Revive Passion

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, December 6, 2002: Fashion designer Lorain Chopra is amazing her clients with garments which evoke spiritual ecstasy and enhance sensual elegance. Since spirituality dressing is fast becoming a trend among youth in most European countries, Lorain’s latest collection uses symbols like the Siva Lingam, chakras, angels, yantras and the naga. Priced between US$18 to…

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Hindus Love to Buy Gold as an Investment

GO TO SOURCE CHENNAI, INDIA, May 15, 2002: While western cultures on the planet watch the stock market and various indexes to decide when to invest; East Indian culture turns to astrology and the stars. Investing in gold has been a time-honored tradition in India and last May 15th jewelery stores in Chennai were swamped with people wanting to buy…

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Cambodia’s Baphon Temple, Worlds Largest Jigsaw Puzzle

GO TO SOURCE SIEM REAP, CAMBODIA, January 1, 2003: Forty years ago, a team of French archaeologists decided the best way to save Baphuon temple, part of the huge Angkor Hindu temple complex, was to destroy it. They began to take apart the fragile temple, block by block, keeping meticulous records of their work, planning to put it back together…

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