Experiencing Theyyam Dance

Source KAUAI, HAWAII, September 8, 2019 (Hinduism Today by Naina Lepes): Kerala is home to an ancient dance form featuring deliriously elaborate costume design and choreography–all offered to God as a form of worship. A Theyyam performance exudes the primordial sense of eternity ongoing. This dance-drama form of art and worship, loosely stylized in open nature, supports the open heart.…

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What Ancient India DNA Shows

Source INDIA, September 8, 2018 (YouTube report by NewsX): A newly published paper reports that the skeletal remains of a 5,000 year-old-woman from around 2800 BC were recently found at a Harappan site. Miraculously, one bone from the inner ear held usable DNA. The DNA was found to be unique to the Indian Subcontinent. This finding disputes the common theory…

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Daily Inspiration

Source When one remains without thinking, one understands another by means of the universal language of silence. — Ramana Maharishi (1879-1950), South Indian mystic

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Sixth Song Released in Our History of Hindu India Music Video Series: “Sanskrit Culture Blossomed”

Source KAUAI, HAWAII, September 9, 2019 (HPI): Hinduism Today has posted to YouTube a new music video: “Sanskrit Culture Blossomed.” It is a song for children intended to complement the second of our popular History of Hindu India documentaries, “Hindu India: 300 to 1100ce.” The documentary and song, the third of three for this time period, neatly supplement the study…

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Thousands of Ganesha Statues Immersed in Bay of Bengal

Source CHENNAI, INDIA, September 9, 2019 (Deccan Chronicle): More than 2,300 Lord Vinayaka statues – worshipped in different parts of the city since Vinayaka Chathurthi was celebrated on September 2 – were taken in processions and immersed in the Bay of Bengal at Foreshore Estate and other beaches on Sunday. The beating of drums and dancing by devotees to a…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Ever afterward, though the dance of creation change around me in the hall of eternity, I shall be the same. — Anandamayi Ma (1896-1982), Mystic Bengali saint

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Why Eggs Are not Vegetables

Source KAUAI, HAWAII, September 7, 2019 (Hinduism Today): On the first look, answering this question is easy. Chickens lay eggs, chickens are animals, so an egg must be an animal since it has an animal origin and grows into a new animal. But…what if the eggs are not fertilized? Commercially available eggs from your local grocery store in most cases…

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Our Free Spiritual Workout App Gets an Upgrade!

Source KAUAI, HAWAII, September 9, 2019 (Himalayan Academy Publications): Today we are officially announcing the version 2.0 release of our free Spiritual Workout App. The app was inspired by Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s publisher’s desk article, “The Ten Minute Spiritual Workout.” While today nearly everyone appreciates the need for daily exercise to stay fit and healthy, many don’t realize the need…

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Daily Inspiration

Source We want to claim that which we already are. You are already the Self, you are just not aware of it. Do not put it off based upon some concept that we are not ready, we are not worthy, we need more of this or that. None of those principles apply when it comes to Self Realization. — Satguru…

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