2002 Hindu Heritage Youth Camp Concludes

GO TO SOURCE PEORIA, ILLINOIS, August 12, 2002: The 2002 Hindu Heritage Youth Camp just concluded in Peoria, Illinois. Children and adults from Central Illinois attended this camp to learn about universal values that are strongly emphasized in Hinduism, and also respected in other faiths. The goal was to prepare the youth so that they grow into role models who…

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England Drops Proposal to Remove Cross from Police Badges

Source: Religion News Service LONDON, ENGLAND, August 16, 2002: The idea of removing the cross from the badge of London’s police force has been dropped — almost as soon as it was raised. The police badge is surmounted by a crown with a tiny cross on the top, and it had been suggested to remove the cross in order to…

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Pranic and Psychic Healing Retreat Announced

GO TO SOURCE MIAMI, FLORIDA, August 16, 2002: The Institute for Holistic Yoga of North America, Satyananda Ashram, Miami, Florida, announced today its “Pranic and Psychic Healing Spiritual Retreat for Inner Joy and Happiness,” for September 27 to 29, 2002, at a camp in Homestead, Florida. The program is conducted by H. H. Sri Swami Brahmavidyananda Saraswati, a world-renowned spiritual…

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Marxist Magazine Proclaims Mother Teresa the “Greatest Indian”

GO TO SOURCE DELHI, INDIA, August 12, 2002: This BBC article states, “Mother Teresa of Calcutta has been voted the greatest Indian since the country’s independence in 1947 in an Indian magazine survey. The top ten Indians are: Mother Teresa, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel, Indira Gandhi, JRD Tata, BR Ambedkar, Dhibhai Ambani, Sachin Tendulkar, Jayaprakash Narayan and Atal Behari Vajpayee.…

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World Bank Lauds India’s Efforts To Reduce Poverty

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, August 7, 2002: World Bank Vice-President, Gobind T. Nankani, during a recent visit to monitor World Bank-aided poverty reduction projects, praised India for its efforts in poverty reduction. However, he felt the country had to do more toward more effective program implementation. The two striking features of the poverty reduction programs in India today,…

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Preserving the Life of the Sacred Cow

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, August 1, 2002: Established in August, 2001, the National Commission for Cattle has recently submitted a 1,500-page report to Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee advocating that cow slaughter be put to a stop in India. Presently, beef forms part of many peoples’ diet and is a lucrative export product along with cow leather. Statistically,…

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Festival To Worship Snakes Is Causing Their Deaths

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, August 11, 2002: Naag Panchami, a festival for the worship of snakes, is gradually becoming the cause of their death. Snakes are often captured in suffocating bags, kept in tiny dark boxes, and given no food or water so that they can drink the milk offered on the holy day which falls this year…

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NY Times Columnist on Why India and Pakistan Backed Off War

GO TO SOURCE BANGALORE, INDIA, August 8, 2002: When the State Department issued a travel advisory on May 31 warning Americans to leave India because the war prospects had risen to “serious levels,” global firms like Nortel Networks, Reebok, Sony, American Express, HSBC and GE Capital, who had moved their back rooms to Bangalore went nuts, according to this opinion…

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Sculptors Abstain From Drinking Meat to Build a Temple

A HREF=”http://www.newsabahtimes.com.my/Mei/22.5/leisure1.htm”GO TO SOURCE/A/P P BANGALORE, INDIA, May 22, 2002: While HPI usually abstains from reporting on its own Kauai home, others are doing so at an unusual pace these days. This report is just one of several recent ones. It states that more than 80 sculptors in India have given up smoking, drinking and eating meat while they carve…

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