Hindu Sect Strives Toward Inner Peace

Source: The St. Petersburg Times ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA, June 29, 2002: In the classrooms of a small Episcopal church here, children are learning a philosophy that emphasizes respect for others, the virtue of looking beyond appearances and the importance of expressing gratitude to God. These children are not Episcopalian. They are Hindu, and are members of the Swadhyaya movement, a…

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Public Appeals to Government to Ban Animal Sacrifice in Temples

GO TO SOURCE CHENNAI, INDIA, July 27, 2002: Despite strict government regulations and a public interest petition appealing to the government to put a stop to animal and bird sacrifice, it stills continues at some temples in the state. However, a recent order by the Madras High Court to the Home Secretary and the DGP to enforce the Tamil Nadu…

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What is Sanskrit’s Status Today?

Source: Hindu Press International MUMBAI, INDIA, August 5, 2002: A recent BBC report by their correspondent, Sanjeev Srivastava, begins, “One of the oldest languages in the world, Sanskrit, is in danger of becoming extinct in India, the country of its origin. Although most Indian languages still use the basic grammar of Sanskrit, no more than a few thousand people in…

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NHRC to Study Burden on Schoolkids

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, July 26, 2002: Should corporal punishment be banned in schools? Is the curriculum too much for schoolchildren to bear? Why should children be deprived of the five-day week which their parents enjoy? National Human Rights Commission chairman, Justice (Retired) J. S. Verma, has decided to interact with school-goers at four regional schools run by…

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Folk and Tribal Art Preserved at a Privately-Owned Museum

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, July 31, 2002: Precious folk and tribal art from the Punjab and Himachal Pradesh is being preserved and cared for at the House of Folk Art. Originally started by K. C. Aryan, well-known art historian, sculptor and art painter, the museum is now cared for by Mr. Aryan’s son and daughter. According to the…

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Hindu Professor to Discuss Religious Tolerance at Vatican

Source: The Star Tribune MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, June 8, 2002: Anant Rambachan, professor of religion at St. Olaf College, is one of ten religious experts worldwide invited to the Vatican to discuss religious tolerance. Rambachan wants to find constructive solutions to the world’s violence by encouraging the world’s major religions to find common ground, common voices and common values. When genuine…

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Support Grows for Scrapping Britain’s Blasphemy Law

Source: Religion News Service LONDON, ENGLAND, August 6, 2002: Both the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England have announced their support for scrapping the English law against blasphemy and replacing it with a more generalized law against incitement to religious hatred. The present blasphemy law only covers material denying the truth of Christianity, the Bible or the Church…

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Standing Saint Propagates World Peace

GO TO SOURCE BHOPAL, INDIA, July 31, 2002: Sant Ram Kishore Das Khade Shree Maharaj has never in the past nine years sat or lied down. Originally from Nepal, the 73-year-old saint has pledged to remain standing for at least 14 years for world peace. Sant Ram feels he can remain standing for more than 14 years or even through…

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Gujarat Prays to Lord Indra to Revive Monsoon

GO TO SOURCE AHMEDABAD/VADODARA/RAJKOT, INDIA, August 3, 2002: On the first anniversary of the January 26 earthquake, the Narendra Modi government ordered special prayers to appease the dharti mata. Various organizations all over the state are praying for a revival of the monsoon. People are resorting to several methods to solicit divine intervention to avoid a drought. In Vadodara, plans…

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Mayor Appalled by Lack of Hygiene in Temple Area

GO TO SOURCE HYDERABAD, INDIA, July 26, 2002: Heaps of garbage, overflowing drains and filth all around was what the Mayor, T. Krishna Reddy, got to see in the vicinity of the famous Ujjaini Mahankali temple even as the annual Bonalu festivities commence on Sunday. The Mayor warned of stringent action if the “mess was not cleared up immediately.” Though…

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