Caste Discrimination Lives On

GO TO SOURCE CHENNAI, INDIA, July 28, 2002: Despite police action against the practice of untouchability in tea shops of rural Tamil Nadu, several shopkeepers, under pressure from caste Hindus, continue with the discriminatory “two-tumbler” system. Tea shops in several villages serve hot beverages in “two tumblers”–cheap glass ones for the Dalits and shiny stainless steel containers for the caste…

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World Hindu Conference Set For Trinidad October 25, 2002

GO TO SOURCE TRINIDAD, July 31, 2002: A conference on Hinduism in Trinidad, West Indies, will be held on October 25 to 27, 2002. The conference forms part of the observance of the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha. The conference will be hosted jointly by the Sanatan Dhama Maha Sabha Inc, (SDMS) of Trinidad and Tobago…

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Science and Meditation Conference

GO TO SOURCE DEHRADUN, INDIA, August 3, 2002: Swami Veda Bharati will conduct an International Conference On Science And Meditation at his Ashram and Medical College, Rishikesh – Dehradun, November 10 to 12, 2002. For more information, contact “source” above.

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England’s House Of Commons Votes For Own Indian Restaurant

Source: LONDON, ENGLAND, July 28, 2002: Britain’s House of Commons will soon have an authentic, in-house Indian restaurant to the delight of curry fans including: Chancellor Gordon Brown, Leader of the House Robin Cook and Secretary of State for International Development Clare Short. Conservative Members of Parliament have cheekily suggested a name for the restaurant: “Hinduja’s, after the controversial…

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Amarnath Siva Lingam Melts in Unusual Weather

GO TO SOURCE AMARNATH, INDIA, July 31, 2002: Unusually high temperatures in Kashmir have melted an ice stalagmite considered the image of Lord Siva, but this makes little difference to thousands of pilgrims who have braved potential and real rebel attacks to reach the Himalayan cave. “When a large number of people gather in the shrine, the temperature rises,” said…

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Nepal’s Crown Princess Gives Birth to a Boy

GO TO SOURCE KATHMANDU, NEPAL, July 30, 2002: A healthy prince was born Tuesday to Nepal’s crown prince, making the newborn next-in-line to the throne of the Himalayan kingdom after his father. Soldiers of the Royal Nepalese Army gave a traditional 21-gun salute after the birth, the first royal celebration after a palace massacre and a year of mourning. The…

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Swami Maheswarananda Receives Humanitarian Award in Croatia

GO TO SOURCE CROATIA, July 8, 2002: On Monday, July 8th, Mr. Stjepan Mesic, President of the Republic of Croatia, presented Swami Maheshwarananda the highest award for his humanitarian work. Swami Maheswarananda has been known in this part of the world for thirty years for spreading a message of peace, tolerance and mutual understanding of different religions and cultures. Sri…

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Mumbai Festivals May Lose Big Sponsors

GO TO SOURCE MUMBAI, INDIA, July 19, 2002: Uttar Pradesh has joined the list of states where pan masala (betel leaf and nut) and gutka (a tobacco product) are under an official ban following Thursday’s order by the Allahabad High court directing the Uttar Pradesh government to ban the sale, production and advertisement of pan masala and gutka. The ban…

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Protesters Greet Sadhvi Rithambara in New York

GO TO SOURCE NEW YORK, USA, July 27, 2002: Sadhvi Rithambara was at the Ganesha Temple in Flushing, New York, to raise funds for her new project — homes and shelters for orphans and widows. Rithambara, a well-known voice of Hindutva in India, was confronted with her political past as angry protesters demonstrated outside the auditorium where she was scheduled…

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Orissa’s Most Famous Elephant Recovering

GO TO SOURCE PURI, INDIA, July 29, 2002: Laxmi, the elephant who became seriously ill during the Puri Rath Yatra, is now responding to medicines and the prayers of hundreds of villagers. Meanwhile the wildlife division has decided to take action against the district administration for using the animal without proper medical verification and authorization. After six days of agony,…

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