Sabarimala Needs a Clean-up

GO TO SOURCE THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, KERALA, INDIA, July 8, 2002: “Only God can prevent the breakout of an epidemic during the pilgrim season in Sabarimala,” chairman of Assembly Environment committee, George J. Matthew said here on Monday. The eight-member committee which submitted its report on Sabarimala told reporters, the popular pilgrim centre was facing immense health and environment problems. Matthew said,…

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Dr. Ambedkar Colloquium on Dharma Held in Canada

GO TO SOURCE MONTREAL, CANADA, June 8, 2002: A colloquium was held on Saturday, June 8, 2002, at the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Canada to explore the possibility of employing indigenous dharma as an epistemic category to understand Indic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism) following the lead provided by Dr. Ambedkar. The following persons participated: Mr.…

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Temple Stay May Help People With Mental Disorders

GO TO SOURCE BANGALORE, INDIA, July 9, 2002: A short stay in a temple or place of worship can actually improve your mental health, a study has shown. Researchers in India found that a six-week stay at a Hindu temple can produce the same improvement in people with severe psychiatric disorders as a month-long course of standard drugs. According to…

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India’s Billionth Baby Born

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 11, 2002: We missed this one the first time around, but just two months ago, India’s billionth citizen entered the world. The government decided that special baby was Ashtha (“faith”), born at Safdarjang Hospital in Delhi, May 11 to Anjana and Ashok Arora in Safdarjang Hospital in the Indian capital at 5:05 a.m.…

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What Are the Grant-Giving Institutions for Hinduism?

GO TO SOURCE KAUAI, HAWAII, July 11, 2002: Hinduism Today requests HPI readers to send to “source” above the names and contact information for foundations or other charitable institutions who might give grants to Hindu institutions for religious-oriented projects. The organizations don’t have to be Hindu in nature, but do need to include in their charitable purposes the ability to…

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Catholic Church in Philippines Apologizes for Sexual Abuse

Source: CNS News PHILIPPINES, July 11, 2002: The Roman Catholic Church in Asia’s staunchest Catholic country, the Philippines, has apologized for cases of sexual abuse by priests over the past two decades. Following a weekend conference, Archbishop Orlando Quevedo, the president of the Catholic Bishops Conference, said up to 200 priests – of a total of 7,000 – may have…

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Should We All Be Vegetarians?

GO TO SOURCE NEW YORK, NEW YORK, July 15, 2002: Sporting the ubiquitous hamburger bun overflowing with vegetables, the July 15 issue of Time magazine carries a cover story on the merits of vegetarianism for everyone. For many, meat is an obscene cuisine. It’s not just the additives and ailments connected with the consumption of beef, though a dish of…

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Japanese DVD “RG Veda” Not About Our Rig Veda

GO TO SOURCE TRINIDAD, July 8, 2002: HPI’s local contacts here sent in a note that a Japanese-language DVD had appeared entitled “RG Veda.” Our correspondent, Anil Mahabir, spoke with a distributor of the DVD who said, “The film is not about anything even remotely resembling Indian culture or Hinduism, although the name “RG Veda” might seem to suggest such.”…

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Pune’s Women Priests in Demand

GO TO SOURCE PUNE, INDIA, July 7, 2002: As the demand for priests to perform certain rituals has increased, the supply of male priests has dwindled. Often young men do not follow in their father’s footsteps and have taken up what they feel to be more lucrative careers. Hence in 1990, an organization call Jnana Prabodhini started training both women…

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Women Priests from Jnana Prabodhini Take a Different Approach

GO TO SOURCE PUNE, INDIA, July 7, 2002: Jnana Prabodhini, a Pune-based organization, has been training women to become priests since 1990. With very little opposition from the public, JP has found that women priests have filled a demand, that priests graduating from their program perform rituals for all classes of people, and that women should have an equal opportunity…

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