Christians Demand Probe of Conversion

Source: The Hindu BHUBANESWAR, INDIA, June 19, 2002: The Global Council of Indian Christians has demanded an enquiry into the alleged conversion of 143 tribal Christians into Hinduism by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad in Orissa’s Sundargarh district on June 16. In a statement issued today, the national convener of the council, Sajan K. George, alleged that the conversions were done…

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The Changing Face of Maternity Wards to Accommodate Immigrants

GO TO SOURCE WASHINGTON, May 11, 2002: Hospitals, and in particular maternity wards, have had to adapt to multicultural traditions and practices in an attempt to meet the needs of immigrant mothers in the last ten years. In the last decade half of all births in the U.S. have been to mothers born outside the country, compared to one in…

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India Reborn in Silicon Valley

GO TO SOURCE CALIFORNIA, USA, June 15, 2002: Indian entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley say they have done what their homeland could not: raise respect for itself. At an annual conference Friday put on by the Indus Entrepreneurs, speakers talked about how expatriate businessmen are helping transform the subcontinent’s rigid, closed economy into a success. “India’s struggle for economic freedom started…

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Manushi Appeals for Contributions to Gujarat Relief Fund

GO TO SOURCE DELHI, INDIA, June 19, 2002: Manushi magazine has established a relief fund for victims of the Gujarat riots. Their press release reads, “The Gujarat riots have rendered nearly 200,000 people homeless in their own home land. Equally alarming is the government’s refusal to provide necessary relief and rehabilitation. Moreover, very few secular agencies have undertaken relief work.…

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U.S. Companies Worry They May Take Blame For Obesity

GO TO SOURCE USA, June 13, 2002: Fearing they may be held responsible for the nation’s expanding waistline, U.S. food and beverage makers are going on the defensive with obesity. Some packaged-food companies are contemplating advertisements that would discourage consumers from overeating their products. A handful are giving exercise equipment to schools and expanding the health-and-wellness information on their Web…

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Orissa Christian Tribals Reconvert to Hinduism

GO TO SOURCE ROURKELA, ORISSA, June 18, 2002: Altogether 143 Christian tribals, belonging to 47 families, have been reconverted to Hinduism at an Atma Suddhi Yagna ceremony held at Tainsar village under Brahmanitaranga police station, about 30 km from here, police said. The ceremony to mark the reconversion of the tribals, belonging to the Oram community, was organized by the…

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Yoga for Reforming Prisoners

GO TO SOURCE NAHAN, INDIA, June 16, 2002: Inmates of the local Central Model Jail are on the way to reforming themselves with the help of yoga. The gradual transformation is the result of the voluntary efforts of Mr. Sharad Katara, who is a yoga teacher helping inmates bring about a better change in their lives. Inmates wake up early…

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Kashmir Attack Leaves Six People Dead

GO TO SOURCE JAMMU, INDIA, June 16, 2002: Islamic guerrillas threw grenades and fired guns at Hindu pilgrims trudging down from a mountaintop shrine in Jammu-Kashmir, starting a battle that killed three Hindu children and three of the pilgrims’ Muslim escorts, police said Sunday. This is a revision to yesterday’s report that stated only two people were killed. Religious tension…

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Afghanistan’s Hindus, Sikhs Hope to Re-Emerge in Post-Taleban Era

GO TO SOURCE KABUL, AFGHANISTAN, June 10, 2002: Afghanistan’s tiny Hindu and Sikh communities, forced to the brink of extinction by the Taleban regime, are hoping to make a social and political re-emergence at the Loya Jirga Assembly from June 10 to 16. Community leaders said their presence at the assembly was a reassertion of the rights of the nation’s…

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