Daily Inspiration

Source God is not a limited individual who sits alone up in the clouds on a golden throne. God is pure consciousness that dwells within everything. Understanding this truth, learn to accept and love everyone equally. — Mata Amritanandamayi Ma, Hindu spiritual leader

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World Religions Detailed

Source JULY 26, 2019 (Zero Hedge): An extensive graphic of the world’s religions can be viewed at “source” above. This graphic shows a breakdown of religious affiliation by country. According to the graphic Christians make up 32.8%, Muslims 22.5%, and Hindus 13.8%. Atheists/Agnostics, Others, Buddhists and Jews make up the balance in that order.

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The Hindu Phobic Secularism of India

Source PERTH, AUSTRALIA, July 18, 2019 (Hindu Council of Australia by Shashi Holla): Secularism means separation of state and religion. Indian law is anti-Hindu and pro-minority. Due to this very nature, Indian Secularism is a double-edged sword. Secularism in India is ineffective, dangerous, and self-destructive. The anti-Hindu bias in domestic and international media is rampant. Hindus are shown as fundamentalists…

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Daily Inspiration

Source If you desire the world, you may try to renounce it in order to escape sorrow. Instead, renounce desire! Then you will be free of sorrow, and the world will not trouble you. — Ashtavakra Gita 16.9

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More than 15 Thousand People Came for the Buenos Aires Celebrates India Street Fair

Source BUENOS AIRES, July 15, 2019 (Buenos Aires Ciudad, translated from Spanish): As part of the celebrations of 70 years of diplomatic relations between Argentina and India, the “BACelebra India” took place on Sunday, July 14, on Avenida de Mayo and Bolivar. The public enjoyed the Hindu traditions: dances, gastronomy and much more. The celebration featured 50 stands with typical…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Devotion to the satguru is the one main prescription. Without this, all learning, all austerity, family status and observances are useless. They are only decorations, pleasing to the worldly eye. — Kularnava Tantra

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Spiritual Experiences Common for Astronauts

Source SAUDI ARABIA, July 21, 2019 (Arab News, by Nidhal Guessoum, professor of physics and astronomy at the American University of Sharjah, UAE): Now that we have celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first human moon landing, the religious or spiritual experiences of astronauts in space are worth noting and reflecting upon. This is not limited to those who journeyed…

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Daily Inspiration

Source We who have come from the East here have been told day after day in a patronizing way that we ought to accept Christianity because Christian nations are the most prosperous. We look about us and see England as the most prosperous nation in the world, with her foot on the neck of 250 million Asiatics. We look back…

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Grateful To Gurus 2019

Source DELAWARE, USA, July 16, 2016 (Indic Today): Veneration to the Guru, who is a teacher, leader, guide and philosopher combined, is deeply ingrained in the Indian tradition, with the earliest words of the Veda asserting emphatically that Guru is equal to God, on par with matru and pitru, mother and father, on par with Para Brahman, the ultimate truth.…

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