Special Forces Sent to Gujarat to Quell On-Going Riots

GO TO SOURCE GUJARAT, INDIA, May 7, 2002: A force of 1,000 specially-trained riot police is to be deployed in the troubled western Indian state of Gujarat. These men have been specifically trained to tackle the kind of situation that persists in Gujarat. A spokesman for the Gujarat Government told the BBC that 1,000 commandos from the northern state of…

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US Commission Report Criticizes India on Religious Freedom

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 8, 2002: This front page report in the Times of India begins, “Expressing concern over the riots in Gujarat, a blue ribbon US panel that examines issues of religious freedom has urged the Bush administration to lean on the Indian government to resolve contentious domestic issues like the Ayodhya dispute. … The Commission…

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Tamil Conference Calls for … Tamil

GO TO SOURCE MADURAI, INDIA, May 6, 2002: The International Tamil Conference, which concluded here on Sunday, requested Tamil Nadu government to make Tamil compulsory at “all levels.” A resolution passed at the conference, held by the International Tamil Integration Society, wanted the government to formulate an act in this regard. It urged the government to make Tamil medium compulsory…

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Pandit Jasraj Interviewed

GO TO SOURCE MUMBAI, INDIA, May 6, 2002: Hindustani classical music’s living legend Pandit Jasraj (73 yrs old) told the magazine “God And I” that his first introduction to God was when he was just 14, in the year 1944. He told of being asked along with his brother to accompany their music guru Pandit Maniramji to Ahmedabad to sing.…

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Manushi to Sponsor Conference on Tehelka and Gujarat Riots

GO TO SOURCE DELHI, INDIA, May 6, 2002: Manushi, the leading women’s rights magazine of India, is holding a conference on the Tehelka expose and the Gujarat riots. According to their press release, “As evidence of an unprecedented state-sanctioned pogrom in Gujarat mounts, instead of curbing and punishing those involved in the violence, the government has transferred honest officers, physically…

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Asian Americans Offended by Stereotypes on T-Shirts

GO TO SOURCE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, April 18, 2002: When T-shirts depicting Asian people in a demeaning manner appeared on the shelves of Abercrombie and Fitch in the Bay area in April of this year, Asians have reacted accordingly. One of the shirts has a slogan that says, “Wong Brothers Laundry Service…Two Wongs Can Make It White.” Two smiling Chinese…

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Sikhs Call For Leniency in Temple Burning Punishment

GO TO SOURCE OSWEGO, NEW YORK, May 3, 2002: A teenager was sentenced to three to nine years in prison Friday for burning down a Sikh temple in anger over the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Joshua Centrone, 18, is the second of four teenagers to plead guilty in connection with the Nov. 18 fire at the Gobind Sadan USA Temple…

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Malaysia Hindu Sangam Holds 25th Annual General Meeting

Source: Press Release PETALING JAYA, MALAYSIA, May 5, 2002: The following are excerpts from the keynote address by A. Vaithilingam, president, Malaysia Hindu Sangam, at their 25th annual general meting. “On the religious front, the Sangam together with other organizations have started the training of teachers program. En. M. Batumalai from the Sangam and Dr. N.S. Rajendran of the Malaysian…

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Couples Who Smoke More Likely to Have a Girl Child

GO TO SOURCE UNITED KINGDOM, April 18, 2002: A study conducted by gynecologist Dr. Claus Yding Anderson and his team at the University Hospital of Copenhagen on 11,800 infants born in Japan and Denmark over a seven-month period has some interesting results. Three control groups were chosen based on the consumption of cigarettes consumed around the time of conception and…

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Australians Research Tamil “Oral History”

GO TO SOURCE NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA, April 28, 2002: Strathfield Library Service is conducting an oral history project on the Tamil community to document the experiences of this migrant group. The “Tamils And Their Neighbors Oral History Project” has been funded by a Library Development Grant from the Library Council of New South Wales. The population of the Strathfield…

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