Trinidad Maha Sabha Launches Hindu University

Source: Anil Mahabir, Trinidad Correspondent TRINIDAD, March 18, 2002: Secretary General of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha of Trinidad and Tobago, Shri Satnarine Maharaj, said tertiary education for Hindu citizens of T&T will soon be available “at a fraction of the cost when the Hindu University is set up.” Maharaj was speaking at a news conference at the Lakshmi Girls’…

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Shiv Sena Blamed for Rampage In Haryana Town, Shrines Burnt

GO TO SOURCE CHANDIGARGH, INDIA, March 17, 2002: Tension hung over Bhiwani in Haryana today after a mob of more than 300 alleged Shiv Sena activists torched two places of worship and shops in Luharu town in the district, angered by rumors that a family had killed a cow. A spokesman said more than 300 Shiv Sena activists torched one…

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Fresh Violence Flares in India

GO TO SOURCE GUJARAT, INDIA, March 16, 2002: There has been fresh religious violence in the Indian state of Gujarat, with three people killed during disturbances in the main city, Ahmedabad, and another shot dead by police in Boroda. The latest unrest followed a controversial ceremony staged by Hindus in Ayodhya. Later in Ahmedabad, crowds of Hindus and Muslims took…

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Accused In Godhra Train Attack Held

GO TO SOURCE AHMEDABAD, INDIA, March 17, 2002: In a major breakthrough in the Godhra case, police arrested the main accused Haji Bilal Ismail Sujela, a municipal councillor of the Congress party, who had been absconding since the incident which claimed 58 lives on February 27, taking the total number of arrests so far to 28. Bilal was arrested by…

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Pune Botanist Bags World’s Biggest “Green” Prize

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, ENGLAND., March 14, 2002: An Indian botanist with a passion for converting the tough, traditionally useless leaves of the sugar cane plant into fuel has won the world’s largest renewable energy and conservation prize and a cool US$50,000 to fund his work in rural Maharashtra. Within hours of winning the Ashden Awards, Pune-based botanist Dr. A.…

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News From Puerto Rico

GO TO SOURCE PUERTO RICO, March 17, 2002: Visvanatha Sundararajan, “source” above, sends the following news items from Puerto Rico, a US territory in the Caribbean. 1) Swami Yogatmananda, of the Vedanta Society at Providence, Rhode Island, USA, is touring Puerto Rico for three days from March 23 to 26, giving lectures and conducting puja in the center to honor…

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Hindu Minister in Malaysia Appeals To Community to Not Oppose Temple Relocation

GO TO SOURCE PETALING JAYA, MALAYSIA, March 16, 2002: Malaysian Indian Congress president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu yesterday asked temple managements, especially the smaller ones, not to oppose government efforts to relocate temples to alternate sites nearby. He said the MIC was facing difficulty in convincing some of the smaller temples to move. “Being difficult will only make life…

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CNN “Crossfire” Complaint Gets Results

Source: Hindu Press International USA, March 16, 2002: HPI reader Mira Goshal complained to CNN about their “Crossfire” program on the McDonald’s beef- tainted fries issue. She wrote to CNN, “I watch your program almost every night and I enjoy it immensely. In this case, I feel that you hurt my feelings and the religious principles of many of your…

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Aydohya Ceremonies Peaceful

GO TO SOURCE AYODHYA, INDIA, March 15, 2002: Hindus in India have held a peaceful ceremony in Ayodhya, as a massive security operation largely forestalled a feared eruption in religious violence. The acceptance of the stones by the authorities in Ayodhya today means that the process of establishing the temple here has begun. Up to 3,000 people — the numbers…

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