Bharat Sadhu Samaj Accuses VHP of Surrender on Temple Issue

GO TO SOURCE PATNA, INDIA, March 8, 2002: The Bharat Sadhu Samaj on Friday accused the VHP of abject surrender on the issue of temple construction at Ayodhya by committing itself to adhere to the Court’s verdict. ”The VHP’s abject surrender on the Ayodhya issue is under political pressure…..The VHP leaders should desist from misguiding the Hindus any further,” the…

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US Gives Grant for Varendra Museum in Bangladesh

GO TO SOURCE BANGLADESH, March 1, 2002: United States Ambassador to Bangladesh Mary Ann Peters presented a check from the US government amounting to $10,800 US to Dr Faisul Islam Farouqui, Vice-Chancellor of Rajshahi University and Dr Sayefuddin Chowdhury, Director, Varendra Museum at the US Embassy yesterday, says a US Embassy press release. The money, from the Ambassador’s Fund for…

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Pranayam Has Scientific Basis, Says US Expert

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, March 3, 2002: A senior psychiatrist at Columbia University, New York, Dr. Richard P Brown, says certain yogic breathing techniques may help people connect better with each other and regulate their dietary intake and thereby help lose weight. In New Delhi to participate in a two-day international symposium on Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayam and consciousness,…

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Hinduism Today Seeks Sabarimala Pilgrimage Photos

GO TO SOURCE KAUAI, HAWAII, March 9, 2002: Hinduism Today is doing a major story on the famed Sabarimala pilgrimage of Kerala in its next issue. The editors are seeking high quality photos of the temple and its surroundings during the height of the pilgrimage. If you can supply these, or know someone who can, please e-mail “source” above.

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McDonald’s Apologizes, Pays Damages for Meat-Spiked French Fries

GO TO SOURCE WASHINGTON, D.C., March 8, 2002: Fast food behemoth McDonald’s has agreed to publicly apologize to “Hindus, vegetarians and others” for failing to disclose the use of animal products in foods it identified as vegetarian. The company will also donate $10 million to concerns supported by these groups as part of a settlement in a class-action lawsuit initiated…

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South Africa Interfaith Conference Tackles HIV/AIDS

GO TO SOURCE DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA, March 6, 2002: More than 100 leaders from 15 faiths began a two-day conference considering the role religion plays in responding to HIV/AIDS. Tamil, Hindu, Zionist Christian Church, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, African Independent Churches, Church of Nazareth, Telegu and Bahal representatives as well as representatives from several Christian denominations are attending the workshop. At…

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UK Hindu Students Forum Petitions Against Beckham Painting

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, ENGLAND, March 7, 2002: The National Hindu Students Forum (UK) has launched a petition against the depiction of David, Victoria & Brooklyn Beckham as Lord Siva, Goddess Parvati and Lord Ganesh. Their press release from Shrien Dewani states, “This painting caused offense to the society’s members because of the manner in which it appears to mock…

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Bali’s Female Puppet Master

Source: Jakarta Post BALI, INDONESIA, February 22, 2002: Ni Nyoman Tjandri is one of the few female puppet masters in Indonesia. Born to an artist father, Tjandri was familiar with and fond of all forms of the Balinese performing arts, especially the arja, a Balinese traditional drama that incorporates music and dance. The talented Tjandri gradually developed superb dance and…

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Skipping Stones Magazine Calls for Submissions

GO TO SOURCE EUGENE, OREGON, March 8, 2002: The Skipping Stones Youth Honor Awards recognize students ages 7-17 for their contributions to multicultural awareness, peace and nonviolence, social responsibility, and nature and ecology. The 2002 award themes are: 1. http: //hip /or hype? The Internet’s Impact on Multicultural Issues, and 2. World Wide Web of Nature: Technology and the Web…

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Where to Find Leather-Free Goods

GO TO SOURCE USA, March 7, 2002: The Vegetarian Resource group offers an online “Shoppers Guide to Leather Alternatives.” The companies listed are separated into several categories. The Vegan Mail order section includes companies that sell only completely animal-free products. The Catalogs, Companies, and Stores section lists companies that sell or manufacture both leather-free and leather goods. The remaining sections…

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