Seminar on Hindu Dharma Success With Educators

GO TO SOURCE HOUSTON, TEXAS, November 8, 2001: A hundred teachers, counselors and psychologists from the Houston school districts gathered at the Strake Jesuit College to attend the first seminar on Hindu Culture And Values, held by the World Hindu Council of America (Vishwa Hindu Parishad / VHP) — Houston Chapter. Erudite Hindu scholars and members of the community sought…

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Christian Radio Station Warned Over Content

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, U. K., November 10, 2001: London-based Premier Christian Radio was given a “yellow card” by the Radio Authority for a number of breaches of program rules, including criticism of other religions. Premier said it has since introduced “rigorous measures” to prevent offensive material being broadcast in future. The authority warned of “substantial sanctions” if more occur.…

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Bangladeshi Hindus Held at Border

GO TO SOURCE BANGLADESH, November 7, 2001: Bangladeshi border guards have detained 124 people belonging to the country’s minority Hindu community while they were trying to cross the border into India. Police officials from the southern border district of Satkhira said the detained included many women and children. None had any valid travel documents. Local journalists say these Hindu families…

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Divali Nagar 2001 Opens in Trinidad

Source: By Anil Mahabir, Hinduism Today Trinidad Correspondent CHAGUANAS, TRINIDAD, November 6, 2001: The annual Divali Nagar opened tonight at the National Council of Indian Culture grounds located in Chaguanas, central Trinidad, the birthplace of 2001 Nobel Literature Laureate VS Naipaul. The feature address, at the opening ceremony, was delivered by Swami Shri Manas Datta of Mysore India. The Nagar,…

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Temple Chariot Burned in Flushing, New York

Source: India Tribune, Chicago FLUSHING, NEW YORK, October 24, 2001: The 20-foot-tall chariot of the Ganesha temple here was burned in a suspect arson attack. The chariot had been used for two decades to take Lord Ganesha around the streets of Flushing in the annual Ganesh Chaturthi festival. No one was hurt in the incident, and only the chariot burned,…

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British Schools Want Ban on Caning Lifted

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, ENGLAND, November 6, 2001: More than 40 British private schools are asking the High Court to restore corporal punishment two years after it was outlawed. Their headmasters say that discipline has plummeted, and students have become more unruly since the cane was banned. Physically punishing children with a cane or anything else was outlawed in fee-paying…

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French Reject Religion in Their Search for Answers

GO TO SOURCE PARIS, FRANCE, November 6, 2001: Cultural liberalism and the new individualism of democratic societies seems to be swaying the French away from religion. People are shying away from declaring their faith and have stopped approaching the Church at times of births, marriages and deaths. They are turning to science or the state and some to other forms…

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Indian Supreme Court Bans Public Smoking

Source: The Hindu, Chennai NEW DELHI India November 2, 2001: In a significant order concerning the health of the citizens, the Supreme Court today ordered a ban on smoking in public places throughout the country with immediate effect. Affected facilities included government buildings, courts, public transports, railways, hospitals, community halls, stadia, educational institutions and public libraries. The Bench also directed…

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Hindus Celebrate Festival of Thimithi in Singapore

GO TO SOURCE SINGAPORE, November 6, 2001: About 3,500 Hindu devotees walked barefoot across a 6-meter-long pit of red-hot coals yesterday to celebrate the annual Hindu festival of Thimithi. They gathered at the Sri Mariamman temple in South Bridge Road to offer prayers hours before performing the fire walk, which is a form of penance or thanksgiving in honor of…

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Religious Books Sales Booming

GO TO SOURCE ATLANTA, GEORGIA, November 1, 2001: The book business boomed during the ’90s. The New Economy has suffered some setbacks, and general book sales are down. But in one part of the book business, business is still good: Sales of religious books are up more than four percent. “People are extremely hungry for experiences of God, experiences of…

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