Salvation Army Ranks as Top US Charity for Ninth Consecutive Year

GO TO SOURCE NEW YORK, NEW YORK, October 29, 2001: The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s list of the nation’s leading charities reports the Salvation Army raised US$1.44 billion in 2000, an increase of 3.1 percent since 1999, making it the number one charity. Overall, the top U.S. charities saw donations increase 13 percent from 1999 to 2000. The Philanthropy 400 survey…

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Expert Says Roots of Terrorism Found in Home Environment

GO TO SOURCE SWITZERLAND, October 29, 2001: Alice Miller, a 1986 recipient of the Janusz Korczak Literary Award by the Anti-Defamation League, has sought to find answers to the tragedy of terrorism and the people who perpetrate it. She believes, “On the basis of the research I have done into the childhood histories of the most ruthless dictators, like Hitler,…

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Mad Cowboy: Story of the Cattle Rancher Who Won’t Eat Meat

GO TO SOURCE USA, October 29, 2001: When the Seattle Times book review raved about “a stunning example of a true insider — in this case, a fourth-generation Montana cattle rancher — turning the tables on a bloated industry he once embraced,” they were referring to the book “Mad Cowboy” by Howard Lyman. Lyman investigated the use of chemicals in…

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Third Seminar on Ayurveda to be Held in February 2002

GO TO SOURCE JAMNAGAR, GUJARAT, October 28, 2001: The Gujarat Ayurved University is organizing the 3rd International Seminar on Ayurveda during February 3 – 5, 2002, at Jamnagar. The scientific program during the seminar will comprise workshops on Internationally Acceptable Ayurvedic Education and on the Development of Herbal Drug Resources, a global viewpoint. Seminars on the Quality Improvement of Ayurvedic…

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Deo Kernahan Writes Chapter on Hinduism

Source: Hinduism Today, Paras Ramoutar ONTARIO, CANADA, October 28, 2001: A Trinidadian, Deo Kernahan, former teacher of Montrose Vedic School and also a former principal of a Borough of Etobicoke Public High School, has been selected by the Government of Ontario Ministry of Education to write a chapter on Hinduism in a book entitled, “World Religions” printed by Oxford University…

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Durga Puja Festivities Kicked Off in Paris

GO TO SOURCE PARIS, FRANCE, October 23, 2001: The most important religious event for Bengali Hindus, Durga Puja, is underway here with traditional fervor and gaiety. The Puja is being hosted at the Maison de l’Inde in southern Paris. The four-day event has been organized by a leading Bengali organization, Sammilani, and starts every morning with regular prayers. The festival,…

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RSS Chief Calls for Scriptural Reinterpretation

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, October 26, 2001: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief, K. S. Sudarshan, asked Muslims and Christians to “snatch the initiative from the fundamentalists in their communities,” “re-interpret” their scriptures in keeping with the modern world by paying attention to those verses which preached tolerance and goodwill. He also defended the government’s moves to change school textbooks.…

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Is Yoga Good for You?

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, ENGLAND, October 27, 2001: When Shri K Pattabhi Jois, the foremost exponent of Ashtanga yoga, visited London this month hundreds of people flocked to his classes. His technique, which is the most vigorous form of yoga, has become increasingly popular throughout the Western world. Jois, who still teaches daily at his research institute in Mysore, India,…

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Nepal’s King Names Controversial Son as Crown Prince

GO TO SOURCE KATHMANDU, NEPAL, October 27, 2001: Twenty-nine year old Prince Paras was named Nepal’s new crown prince yesterday. The Prince is widely disliked in Nepal for alleged criminal acts, and his father, the king, has obviously waited so long in light of this reputation to name his son crown prince. Prince Paras was somewhat redeemed in the public…

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