Catholic Children in Catholic Schools Likely to Leave Faith

Source: Religion News Service LEEDS, ENGLAND, September 7, 2001: That the UK’s Roman Catholic schools may play a roll in discouraging young Catholics from practicing their faith came under scrutiny at the annual meeting of the National Conference of Priests of England and Wales. Priests from northwest England said that in their experience teenagers who went to Catholic schools were…

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Stem Cell Research Continues in India

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, August 27, 2001: Two Indian research organizations possess colonies of embryonic stem cells, known as cell lines, which can develop into many other types of tissues and which scientists believe could create new treatments for diabetes and Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. The release today of a list of existing stem cell lines by the…

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Hindu University of America Inaugurates Campus

Source: Mahir Meghani ORLANDO, FLORIDA, September 2, 2001: The Hindu University of America has acquired a 12-acre site in Orlando. The University is incorporated in the state of Florida and is authorized by the Education Department, Florida, to conduct Master and Doctoral Programs in Hindu Studies. The Hindu University has been conducting “distant teaching programs” and intensive courses for some…

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Archbishop; Mother Teresa “Happily” Underwent Exorcism

Source: Religion News Service KOLKATA, INDIA, September 6, 2001: Amid fears she had become the victim of the devil, Mother Teresa “happily agreed” to undergo an exorcism, according to the Archbishop of Calcutta. Several months before her death, the 87-year-old Catholic nun turned to the procedure after suffering from sleeplessness during a stay at the Calcutta hospital where she was…

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Non-Hindus Allowed to Pray at Jagannath Temple

GO TO SOURCE BHUBANESHWAR, INDIA, August 27, 2001: Entering a temple to partake of the darshan exuding from the deity in the inner sanctum, is what makes Hindu temple worship so uplifting and special. The famous Jagannath temple in the state of Orissa has denied this privilege to non-Hindus. Priests (pandas) have been adamant about upholding this rule. According to…

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Puri Priests Object to Designer Saris

GO TO SOURCE PURI, INDIA, September 4, 2001: The Jagannath Temple administration is peeved at the depiction of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Devi Suvadra on a range of saris by a designer house of Kolkata. Himanshu Sekhar Samantaray, administrator of Sri Jagannath temple has asked the company for the immediate withdrawal of the saris from the market or else…

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Colored Rain and Vanishing Wells Alarm Populace in State of Kerala

GO TO SOURCE THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, INDIA, August 29, 2001: Collapsing wells and colored rain in many parts of the State of Kerala has led to speculation as to the cause by layman and scientist alike. Dr. Rajasekharam has taken a different and more traditional approach to the phenomena. After studying an ancient Sanskrit text called Charaka Samhita on Ayurveda, dated over…

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Govt Says No to Genetically Engineered Seeds

Source: Morning India Business News NEW DELHI, INDIA, Aug. 31, 2001: The Indian government said today it has not approved the commercial release of genetically engineered seeds in the country. All genetically modified seeds require authorization under the Environment Protection Act 1989 before they can be introduced into the Indian environment, Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers S B…

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Now, the Evangelization of Britain

GO TO SOURCE UNITED KINGDOM, Aug. 31, 2001: Britain has been targeted by determined foreigners with shocking intentions. They want to convert the British, who embraced Christianity 1,500 years ago, to Christianity. These 21st-century evangelists aren’t called reverse-missionaries, but that is what they are. Solomon Joseph, a Christian priest from south India, has been working in Bradford for the past…

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Stone Writ Could Hold Key to Ayodhya

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, Sept. 1, 2001: A 12th-century stone inscription recovered from the debris of the disputed structure at Ayodhya could hold the key to the resolution of the temple-mosque imbroglio. The 20-line inscription comprising 30 verses in Sanskrit was found embedded in the lower portion of a wall of the structure that was demolished on December…

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