Daily Inspiration

Source Live morality before you talk of it. Practice meditation before you preach it. Taste goodness before you recommend it. Gain bliss before you offer it to others. — Swami Chinmayananda (1916-1993), founder of Chinmaya mission

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Indian Roots In Foreign Soil

Source MALAYSIA, May 5, 2019 (Tribune): Some 500 years back, a trading community from South India settled in Malaysia. They married native women and adapted to the local culture. Yet, the Chettis continue to hold on to their Indianness — they still have Hindu names and celebrate Diwali and Pongal. They carry Indian names but don’t look Indian, they speak…

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Swept up in Muslim Crisis, Hindu Rohingyas Are Stuck in Bangladesh

Source KUTUPALONG, BANGLADESH, May 8, 2019 (Religion News): As talks restart this month about repatriating Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh back to Myanmar, neither country’s government has an answer for the fate of Hindu Rohingyas still stuck in Bangladesh. More than a million Rohingya have fled Myanmar to settle in at least 27 camps in neighboring Bangladesh. The refugees are commonly…

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Daily Inspiration

Source When diksha is given to a competent disciple, the guru enters into his soul, establishes himself as the disciple’s inner Self and by means of his power, removes all the impurities that limit the essential nature of the disciple’s Self. — Sarvajnananottara Agama

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Huge Australian Sandalwood Company Comes Back to Life

Source AUSTRALIA, October 30, 2018 (abc.net.au): [HPI note-we’re a bit late on reporting on this, but wanted to keep our readers informed. In Hinduism Today, April, 2018, issue we did an extensive report on Quintis company which had become the world’s largest sandalwood producer: https://www.hinduismtoday.com/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=5851Just at the time of our story, the company declared bankruptcy and faced a bleak future.…

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History of Hindu India Music Video, “That’s What Hindus Believe” Posted to YouTube

Source KAUAI, HAWAII, May 8, 2019 (HPI): “That’s What Hindus Believe” is a song for children intended to supplement the popular History of Hindu India documentary “From Ancient Times.” The documentary and song, the second of three for this time period, neatly supplement the study of India and the Hindu religion in American middle schools. An easy way for kids…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Give yourself up to the wave, and you will be absorbed by the current; having dived into the sea, you do not return anymore. — Anandamayi Ma (1896-1982),

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Ancient Rock Art in the Plains of India

Source RAJAPUR, INDIA, May 7, 2019 (New York Times): In the evening breeze on a stony hilltop a day’s drive south of Mumbai, Sudhir Risbud tramped from one rock carving to another, pointing out the hull of a boat, birds, a shark, human figures and two life-size tigers. He was doing a brief tour of about two dozen figures, a…

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India’s Archeological Survey Digs Out 4,000-Yr-Old Sacred Chambers

Source NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 2, 2019 (Daily Pioneer): Ongoing excavations at 4,000-year-old burial sites at Sanauli in Uttar Pradesh’s Baghpat continue to enthrall archeologists as for the first time the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has unearthed underground “sacred chambers,” decorated “legged coffins” and fascinating artifacts in what is being claimed to be a first in the Indian subcontinent.…

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Daily Inspiration

Source You, Siva, are the earth, You are the sky, and You are the seven seas; You are the goal, You are the letters, and You are the meter; You are the eye, You are the pupil of the eye, You are the image that dances in the eye, the affable! Bestow Your grace so that I may approach Your…

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